Jesus' Coming Back

REPORT: President Trump Assures NRA President That Universal Background Check Bill Is off the Table

President Trump assured NRA president Wayne LaPierre that he would not support universal background check legislation during a Tuesday phone call, after publicly considering supporting such a bill in response to a pair of mass shootings that rocked the nation earlier this month, The Atlantic first reported.

In the days following the back-to-back mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton earlier this month, Trump became excited about the prospect of announcing sweeping background check legislation during a high-profile White House Rose Garden event. He called LaPierre on August 7 to gauge the NRA’s support for the proposal but was quickly rebuffed.

Trump then called LaPierre back on Tuesday to assure him that he had abandoned his previous support for the legislation.

“He was cementing his stance that we already have background checks and that he’s not waffling on this anymore,” an unnamed source told The Atlantic. “He doesn’t want to pursue it.”

Read the rest of the story HERE and follow links below to related stories/opinions:

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Universal background checks off the table, Trump tells NRA head

WASHINGTON TIMES: Trump warns of ‘slippery slope’ in approach to Second Amendment

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