Trump’s Loyalty To Republican Values Questioned After He Actually Does Something To Defund Planned Parenthood
Trump’s Loyalty To Republican Values Questioned After He Actually Does Something To Defund Planned Parenthood
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Republicans are often calling Trump’s loyalty to their party values into question, claiming Trump seems to have become a Republican out of convenience after being a Democrat for many years.
His critics’ latest scathing attack came after the president betrayed a beloved Republican pastime of not taking any concrete steps to defund Planned Parenthood and outlaw abortion.
The Trump administration managed to edge Planned Parenthood out of the Title X program with new restrictions. Planned Parenthood was given the choice between backing down on abortions and losing $60,000,000 a year, and being true to their values of Moloch worship, they rejected the $60 million.
But Trump’s the one who’s taking most of the heat here, as he’s shown his true colors as a fake Republican.
“Didn’t anyone send you the memo?” one exasperated top Republican asked Trump in a tense meeting. “We’re not supposed to do anything against Planned Parenthood—we’re just supposed to tell people that we’re going to fight them. That way, they’ll keep voting for us.”
Trump nodded, seeming to listen, but at the end of the meeting simply said, “What? I’m sorry, I was thinking of something else.”

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