In the doghouse: Canine car crash culprit caught behind the wheel (PHOTO)

A dog’s ruff ride has gone viral after he crashed his owner’s car into a wall after being left unattended inside the vehicle, and was pictured behind the wheel at the scene of the crime.
A Bay Area couple is having a RUFF Friday!
Apparently, the dog (seen behind the wheel) was left in the car with the leash on. The leash got stuck on the gear shift, & pulled the car in neutral, allowing it to roll down the street into the wall.
*insert bad driver joke here* 😉
— Katie Nielsen (@KatieKPIX) August 30, 2019
Duke the dog was left alone in his owner’s Mercedes in Aptos, San Francisco, and managed to get his leash stuck on the gear shift. As the canine moved around in the front of the vehicle, the leash pulled the car into neutral, sending it rolling backwards down the street, where it came to a stop after smashing into a retaining wall, taking out a mailbox and some trash cans on its way.
UPDATE: The joy-riding doggo is named Duke. No dogs or humans were hurt, but the trash cans have definitely seen better days.
Photos: Jim & Janie Black.
— Katie Nielsen (@KatieKPIX) August 30, 2019
Luckily, Duke wasn’t injured in the smash, and police aren’t looking for new leads at this time.
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