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New Gun Debate Flash Cards Get You Through Arguments With Speed And Efficiency

EAST LONGMEADOW, MA—A new deck of flashcards is hitting stores this week that promises to get you through your next gun debate “thoroughly, speedily, and efficiently.” Card manufacturer Filton Brigley is releasing the cards in the form of a fun game where two people on different sides of the debate can quickly raise cards to cancel out the other person’s argument until every known gun ownership cliche has been exhausted. 

The pack comes with two decks: one for gun advocates, and one for those who want stricter gun laws. Each player may choose the level of extremism that suits them based on what cards they select. For instance, a pro-gun player may use any card from, “It’s in the constitution,” to “Nukes should be legal too.” Gun control advocates will find arguments that range from “common-sense gun control” to “Tyrannical authoritarian government takeover.” 

The cards are thorough and include all your favorite gun arguments from both sides of the aisle, including:

  • “The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun”
  • “You don’t need guns, you can call the police”
  • “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”
  • “What about Switzerland?!”
  • “We should arm teachers”
  • “Cars kill a lot of people, should we ban those too?!”
  • “You have blood on your hands!”

There are even bonus sarcasm cards such as…

  • Maybe we should make killing against the law too
  • You look sooo cooool with your big gun
  • And many more
  • You really want to start a civil war with gun owners?

Players will find that the deck runs out quickly, but you can cycle through all of the arguments as many times as you want until exhausted, just like in a real gun debate.

When you’ve worn out all the arguments in both decks, Brigley has also announced that they will be releasing personal insult flashcards. “At some point, these debates always get personal, so we have a deck for that too,” Seth Hemet, CEO of Filton Brigley told the press. “Cards mocking body types, genders, sexual orientations, religion, skin color, privilege… it’s all in there and will provide anyone with hours and hours of personal attacks when the gun debate deck needs to take a rest.”

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