Jesus' Coming Back

WATCH crane collapse onto buildings as Dorian makes landfall in Canada (VIDEOS)

Published time: 8 Sep, 2019 02:22 Edited time: 8 Sep, 2019 02:43

After wreaking havoc and claiming dozens of lives in the Bahamas, the now post tropical cyclone Dorian has made a landfall in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, uprooting trees and power poles, triggering widespread blackouts.

Nearly three quarters of the Atlantic province was left without power as winds of up to 140km per hour and torrential rains battered Nova Scotia. Photos and videos of flooding, debris, downed trees and electricity lines were widely shared on social media as authorities warned of “severe impact” throughout the weekend.

Powerful gusts collapsed a crane onto the under-construction buildings in the provincial capital Halifax, but there were no reports of death or injuries yet.

Previously, Dorian slightly battered the coast of North Carolina, but the real havoc had been wrecked to the Bahamas, where over 42 people were confirmed killed and hundreds are believed missing, so the number of casualties is expected to grow.

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