95% of votes counted: 33 seats for Blue & White, 32 for Likud

People sort ballot boxes as part of preparations for the upcoming Israeli election, during a briefing for members of the media at the Israel Central Election Committee Logistics Center in Shoham, Israel. (photo credit: REUTERS)
According to Channel 12, 95% of the votes from Tuesday’s elections have already been counted, Blue and White stands at 33 seats and Likud at 32 seats, with Blue and White leading by a narrow margin. It is important to note that these are still not the final results.
The Central Election Committee (CEC) has been updating its website throughout the day. The last update, however, was at 12:53 p.m.: 4,034,847 votes had been counted – or 63.10% of the ballots cast.
The current official results according to the CEC (with mandates/seats according to Channel 12):
Blue and White: 25.66% (33)
Likud: 25.03% (32)
The Joint List: 10.71% (12)
Shas: 7.56% (9)
Yisrael Beytenu: 7.11% (8)
UTJ: 6.25% (8)
Yemina: 5.73% (7)
Labor-Gesher: 4.81% (6)
Democratic Union: 4.30% (5)
Otzma Yehudit: 1.87% (did not pass the electoral threshold of 3.25%)
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