California Legislature Passes Resolution Blaming ‘Religious Groups’ for Homosexual, Trans Suicides
The California legislature continues to take more steps to counter Christianity, and religion in general, with is recent passage of ACR 99. The resolution — which is a direct affront on the Biblical teachings pertaining to sexuality and the need for men to repent, believe the gospel and follow Christ — blames “religious groups” for the “disproportionately high rates” of suicide among homosexuals and so-called transgenders.
The resolution enrolled on September 12, which is entitled, “ACR 99, Low. Civil rights: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer people,” formally declares that homosexuality and transgenderism are “part of natural variations that occur in sexual orientation and gender identity.”
ACR 99 formalizes the official position of the state legislature in condemning the counseling of individuals to change from living homosexual or transgender lifestyles, citing that such actions have resulted in suicides apart from declaring that such lifestyles are “natural variations.”
“The stigma associated with being LGBTQ often created by groups in society, including therapists and religious groups, has caused disproportionately high rates of suicide, attempted suicide, depression, rejection, and isolation amongst LGBTQ and questioning individuals,” the resolution states.
The formal declaration calls upon pastors, religious workers and others to denounce what it considers anti-LGBTQ “stigma” and work toward acceptance and affirmation of those living outside of the Biblical parameters of sexuality.
“That in addressing the stigma often associated with persons who identify as LGBTQ, we call on the people of California–especially its counselors, pastors, religious workers, educators, and legislators–and the institutions of California with great moral influence–especially its churches, universities, colleges, and other schools, counseling centers, activist groups, and religious centers–to model equitable treatment of all people of the state,” the resolution reads.
Read full resolution here.
The Bible teaches in Romans 3:23 that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God,” and in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 the Scripture states that homosexuals, among others, “will not inherit the kingdom of God,” but in verse 11 offers hope that through repentance and faith in Christ they can be saved.
“And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God,” 1 Corinthians 6:11 declares.
The principal assembly members who co-authored the resolution include: Sabrina Cervantes, Susan Talamantes Eggman and Todd Gloria, along with the principal senator co-authors: Toni G. Atkins, James Thomas Beall Jr., Cathleen Galgiani, Lena Gonzalez, Mike McGuire, Richard Pan, Anthony Portantino, Henry Stern, Tom Umberg, Bob Wieckowski and Scott Wiener. All are elected Democrats.
The resolution passed California’s Senate with a 29-7 vote on September 4, and the state Assembly with a 61-11 vote on September 9.
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