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The many faces of Justin Trudeau: Canadian PM memed mercilessly after brownface debacle

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s brownface scandal has brought low one of the world’s premier virtue-signalers, and Twitter is celebrating the exposure of his hypocrisy with an outpouring of ridicule.

A grinning photo of Trudeau, sporting dark makeup on his face, neck, and hands and clad in a voluminous turban and white robe, recently surfaced in a 2001 yearbook from the exclusive private school where he taught before entering politics. After his Liberal Party finally admitted it was their standard-bearer in the photo, Trudeau groveled before the world in a press conference on Wednesday.

Also on Justin Trudeau insists his ‘brownface incident’ no reason to resign because he is REALLY sorry & promises to do better

If they could only forgive him his stupid, immature antics, he pleaded, he would never disappoint them again. The world was less than impressed, and opted to meme him instead.

His love for costumes was a popular theme.

The turban was also an inspiration.

There were even rumors Twitter was trying to clamp down on accounts reposting the incriminating photo. “Why is Twitter taking action against accounts that are exposing racism on the political Left?” one user grandstanded upon finding a popular account blocked. 

If Twitter was trying to suppress the photo of Trudeau, they didn’t do a very good job, however, as both “Justin Trudeau” and “brownface” were trending following the PM’s self-flagellating press conference.

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