Jesus' Coming Back

Family Gonna Be Sorry When They Want Some Trail Mix From Dad’s Cargo Shorts They Just Made Fun Of

Family Gonna Be Sorry When They Want Some Trail Mix From Dad’s Cargo Shorts They Just Made Fun Of

ATLANTA, GA—Brent Barden’s family likes to make fun of his cargo shorts, saying they’re “pointless” and “out of style” and “weird.” But one day, perhaps soon, they’ll be sorry. They’ll all be sorry. Because on that day, they’re going to want some trail mix, conveniently stored in one of dad’s 18 pockets. Maybe it will be at a trip to the zoo or on a car ride or a simple walk to the park, but they’ll comment on how hungry they are and then they’ll be sorry.

“They’ll rue the day they made fun of these bad boys,” he said, fuming, as he folded a few more Slim Jims into his favorite cargos. “Woe to those who make fun of the cargo shorts and then suddenly need some snacks, a multitool, a first-aid kit, or a Johnny Cash CD. Yeah, I’ve got all that stuff in here and more.”

“They’ll look up and cry, ‘Hey, Dad, we’re hungry. Can we have some trail mix?’ and I’ll look down and whisper, ‘No.'” He clarified though that first he would say, “Hi hungry, I’m Dad.”

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