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Toledo’s Only Abortion Clinic Surrenders License, Halts Surgical Abortions

Toledo’s Only Abortion Clinic Surrenders License, Halts Surgical Abortions

The only abortion clinic in Toledo, Ohio, is no longer offering surgical abortions.

Capital Care of Toledo – formerly Capital Care Network and under new ownership – surrendered its ambulatory surgical facility license effective Sept. 10, according to the Toledo Blade

The Ohio Department of Health inspected the facility in June, and the clinic had submitted a plan to correct deficiencies, the newspaper said. But the clinic chose to forego the license.  

“ODH made a follow-up phone call to CCN to clarify some information in the plan of correction at which time staff reported that CCN was under new ownership who did not wish to renew its ASF license and was performing non-surgical [medical] abortions only,” a department spokesman told the Blade. 

Pro-life groups celebrated the news, even though medical abortions still will be offered at the facility. 

“After years of legal trouble with proper licensure and inadequate safeguards, this is a victory for not only the pro-life movement, but for the women of Ohio,” Stephanie Ranade Krider, vice president of Ohio Right to Life said in a statement. “This clinic has acted in a reckless and above the law manner, putting women’s health and safety at risk for years. Two years ago, this same facility perforated a woman’s bowel before shuttling her in an employee’s vehicle to a nearby hospital.”

The loss of the license, Krider added, will “save many lives.” She credited pro-life legislation. 

“In the last 9 years we have seen 22 pro-life initiatives pass, half of Ohio’s abortion facilities shuttered, and the number of abortions fall by over twenty-five percent,” Krider added. “Today we are one step closer to an abortion-free Ohio.”

Kellie Copeland, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio, downplayed the news.

“These changes are happening as a natural part of running a health-care facility and unrelated to any politically motivated actions from the state legislature or administration,” she told the Blade.


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Michael Foust is a freelance writer. Visit his blog,

Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons/Creative Commons, photo cropped and resized to 1200×627, light and contrast adjusted

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