Jesus' Coming Back

Did Trump-Biden-Ukraine Drama Just Implode? WaPo Reports No “Quid Pro Quo” Offered During Phone Call

The latest ‘smoking gun’ Democrats have been clinging to in search of that ever-elusive Trump impeachment may have just imploded – after the Washington Post quietly reported on Friday evening that a July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky did not contain an explicit quid pro quo if Ukraine launched an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden’s son as initially reported.

While President Trump did reportedly “pressure the recently elected leader to more aggressively pursue” the investigation, “Trump did not raise the issue of American military and intelligence aid that had been pledged to Ukraine, indicating there was not an explicit quid pro quo in that call.”

Of course, it has been reported that there were multiple calls – however one might think that the Washington Post’s super high-level anonymous government source would have access to the others as well, and ostensibly would have leaked the most damaging information available.

The call is part of a broader set of facts included in the whistleblower complaint that is at the center of a showdown between the executive branch and Congress, with officials in the Trump administration refusing to divulge any information about the substance of an Aug. 12 report to the inspector general of the U.S. intelligence community.

The revelation that Trump pushed Zelensky to pursue the Biden probe, which was first reported by the Wall Street Journal, represents the most detailed account so far of the president’s conduct that prompted a U.S. intelligence official to file a whistleblower action against the president. –Washington Post

So – the current US president asked Ukraine to conduct a legal investigation into the former US Vice President, who

openly bragged about withholding $1 billion in US loan guarantees unless they fired the guy investigating his son and his son’s company – and there was no quid pro quo offered in exchange for that investigation – at least not on that phone call.

Given all the attention that the MSM and Congressional Democrats have poured into their latest smoking squirt gun, they continue to ignore whatever shady schemes Biden may have engaged in – and are instead pushing the ‘Trump election interference’ and ‘white house cover-up’ angles, after the Trump administration prevented acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire from sharing material contained in a whistleblower complaint about the phone call(s).

Read the rest of the story HERE and follow link below to a related story:

NATIONAL REVIEW: Trump Didn’t Mention Foreign Aid ‘Quid Pro Quo’ During Call with Ukrainian President: Report

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