Jesus' Coming Back

Anti-Migrant Sentiment Explodes In Russia As Nationalism Rises

Since the refugee crisis began in 2015 in Europe, there has been much talk about the “migrants” from the Middle East and Africa, and how they are “destroying” Europe. has reported on the dangers and actions of the migrants, but has also attempted to provide another side to the story, which often goes ignored, and is how much of the crisis was manufactured intentionally by government policy. As we have noted in the Shoebat archives, the refugee crisis began with the destruction of the Middle East and the removal of dictators who largely kept their populations under “control” and prevented mass migrations or rebellions. Likewise, there is clear evidence that has been exposed of massive contracts begin given to major companies, NGOs, and organizations that have been directed to traffick people to and across the Mediterranean Sea and into Europe. The amount of welfare being given to these people and the lax standards for immigration applied to them as compared with a person who wants to come “legally” indicates nothing less than a coordinated population transfer for the purpose of political gain.

If the purpose of the “crisis” was to increase nationalism and promote militarism in Western Europe, it certainly has worked as militarism has exploded along with nationalism all throughout Germany, France, the Benelux nations, Italy, Spain and beyond.

But another point to this that has not been discussed is the fact that the same and a more serious situation is in Russia.

The image that Russia presents to the world versus the reality is something that, for the careful observer, is obvious to see as it is shocking. One does not have to speak or read Russian in order to see the myriad of statistics which show that Russia is in a state of decline so severe that she would seem to be on par with violence, poverty, drug abuse, disease rates, income, and corruption as to many nations in sub-saharan Africa. Russia is a powerful nation, but she is disintegrating from within. The biggest indicator of this is the decline of her human capital, for people are in any society and regardless of race the greatest asset a society possesses. This is truly the wealth of Africa, for while she may be poor, badly developed, and continually exploited, her large populations, driven often times by Christian or Muslim religious beliefs, have allowed her to expand in size and “export” her people around the world. This is not an “invasion,” but the natural fruit of obedience to God’s command to “be fruitful and multiply.”

Russia’s population is in terrible condition. Her nation is twice the size of all the US (including Alaska, Hawaii, and territories), only has 43% of the total population, and with a fertility rate that is well-below replacement rate alongside a wrecked family structure, non-existent economy, and little hope for the future.

But this is only part of the story. Right south of Russia are the Central Asian nations, whose combined population totals nearly half of all Russia, and who live in conditions that are far more impoverished and miserable than in Russia. These people, who were once under the dominion of the USSR, are migrating with the permission of the Russian government in mass for hopes of a better life.

The case of migration to Russia is similar to that of Mexico and Central America. Indeed, a parallel can be drawn between the two because America and Russia are both imperial powers who exercise a great amount of control, and their neighbors to the south provide important sources of cheap labor for both. Given that these nations are geographic neighbors, the journey is not incredibly far.

One can prove this by going to Google maps. Consider a major city in Russia near the border with Central Asia such as Orenburg, and then attempt to find the longest route possible from any of the -stan nations to it (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan). The longest I could find was 3047 KM, or 1893 miles, or just a little more than the distance from Boston to Houston in the USA. Likewise, consider that the distance from the furthest point in Central America (Interamericana, Panama) to San Antonio, TX- a city similar to Orenburg –is 2940 miles. If we likewise take our previous point in Central Asia and put that to Moscow, it is 2798 miles, or almost 150 miles less than for the person traveling from Central America.

“Central Asians” to Russia are what “Mexicans”, “Guatemalans,” and their sister nations’ peoples are to the USA. The migration to the US from these parts, as with Russia, is an organic movement that is not going to be stopped because first it would be difficult, and second it would not be in their economic interests. This is more the case for Russia than the US, because Russia is losing people due to self-inflicted behaviors and needs to make up for the loss, and Central Asians are happy to fill that role since they have nothing to lose.

People talk about massive immigration to the US from Central America, but it is nothing in comparison with Central Asia. The gas-rich nation of Turkmenistan on the Caspian Sea coast, which has some of the most repressive laws on earth and is regarded by some as another North Korean type state, has had over a quarter of her population move away in the last ten years, mostly to Russia.

It is true that the Hispanic immigrants have changed the US. Nobody can deny this. But so did the Germans (which are the largest single ethnic group in the US), Irish, Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Polish, and now Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos, Ukrainians, and Russians. There have been ethnic tensions, but the Hispanic peoples are generally (a) some form of Christian, and (b) assimilate very quickly into American society, as well as have brought lots of tasty food that Americans are now accustomed to. In spite of the talk of “conquering” America, the only thing that many of these migrants have conquered is the local all-you-can-eat buffet, and the ones that have risen to positions of political power have maintained the current paradigms.

The Central Asians are a different story. They are bound to Russia by centuries of history, in particular that of conquering and subjugating the Russians. These people are Muslims, and while their food and culture contributes to Russian society in a positive way, it is also a threat for many people on both sides- Russian and Central Asian. Russia was for centuries ruled by these people, and while Russia subjugated them beginning in the mid-16th century and completed her conquest of Siberia by the end of the 18th century, she knows that history could repeat again, and she could fall to their yoke that she once was under. Yet she also cannot stop the migrations because of her declining internal infrastructure.

According to a recent article from Russian PolitOnline, the number of people who have expressed a fear of the migrants has almost doubled, from 10% to 18%, in just one year, and it comes at a time with increased political instability in Russia.

The latest Levada Center survey showed that 59% consider price increases to be the most alarming factor, and 42% consider poverty and impoverishment of the majority of the population to be such a problem. Many noted corruption, bribery and rising unemployment (41%). About 30% noted the inaccessibility of many types of medical services, while 29% mentioned a sharp separation between rich and poor and an unfair distribution of income.

Almost one in four Russians is worried about the crisis in the economy. And the number of Russians, most afraid of the influx of migrants, has almost doubled compared to last year – from 10 to 18% of respondents.

It is clear that polls by sociologists reflect the reaction of society to the political processes that took place before a single voting day. Oppositionists exaggerated in the information field data on unheard of wealth belonging to relatives of officials, huge apartments and dachas worth a billion rubles. And after unjustifiably gross arrests of hundreds of people, the topic became even more relevant. (source)

The migration issue is a fact that is taking place all over Europe, and just like in Germany, the general solution in Russia has been to present nationalism as an answer. Given how Russia tends to follow the lead of the West in what trends and actions she takes- a pattern that has been noted throughout history -it is likely that Russia may be copying Germany and “helping” to import people from Central Asia into her for political reasons.

There are many people in the West and Russia too who speak of a “migrant invasion,” but as noted and aside from the fact that the governments seem to have invited said peoples in, little is discussed about the fertility rates of the people, which is that the “migrants” tend to have children, while the “native Europeans” are having few to no children.

I have noted before that in the US, people are quick to blame “those migrants” for the reason why the US political landscape is being reshaped, and possibly to near permanancy barring a major event- in favor of the Democrat party. However, when one looks at the statistics, one sees that the change is being driven not by “migrants,” but largely by the children of the “white people” who are voting for socialist policies and are geographically redistributing themselves in such a way that is driving a future where the Democrats may dominate both the electoral college as well as the popular vote.

As such, the population issues in Europe and Russia do not seem to be being driven so much by “migrants invading and overbreeding,” but by the hedonistic, epicurean nihilism that the Europeans have embraced, where as they see no future and no purpose to living, they focus on themselves without any care for the future or the benefit of others. Meanwhile, it is the “migrant” from Syria, Nigeria, or Kyrgyzstan who, getting married and having two, maybe three children, is “taking over” not because he has any nefarious conspiracy planned, but that he is living a life in accordance with how men have always lived, and as the Europeans are creating a vacuum by their selfishness, they are stepping in and naturally filling the vacuum.

This is a large reason as to why, fundamentally speaking, the problems with Europe are not going to go away, but only get worse, and continuing to “blame” the migrants is not going to help anything.

In the US, this will likely not be as politically significant due to the fact that even at a time of increased identity politics, Americans are well-known for mixing with each other, as the people generally tend to tread each other like how they treat food- at first mistrust, disdain, and rejection, followed by interest, followed by a little taste, then wrapping it in brown sugar and bacon before deep frying and then finished with some ranch dressing and a little paper US flag stuck in it that has the worlds “Made in China” written in tiny print on the edge. But in all seriousness, Americans tend to mix well with people in spite of the history of racial fighting and tensions.

The situation in Europe is different, for while many “minority” groups have mixed well into the peoples, the tribalism is very strong and has ancient roots going back to the days of antiquity. It is not going to go away, and it has only been intensified with the migration crisis, as the people see- and have reason to say -that their way of life and people is disappearing (albeit largely on account of their own self-inflicted actions). The result of this “pressure” is turning towards nationalism and a militaristic lashing out that likely could result in a major war, which is the conditions that one sees forming today.

There is going to be no safe place in Europe in the future, no matter where on is.

The main question that remains to be seen, and is a discussion into itself, is whether Germany and by extension Turkey decide to stay with the US as allies, or whether they enter into a Molotov-Ribbentrop type agreement with Russia. If the former happens, Russia is likely going to lose in a major conflict. If the latter happens, then America will likely be forced into isolation along with the UK.

And as we have stated before, if one is a “migrant” in any place in Europe or Russia, one may want to consider making plans right now for the future to leave, not because of “fear,” but that as nationalism continues to rise, “migrants” of all types and people who “look” like migrants will be targeted.


Jesus Christ is King

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