Jesus' Coming Back

ABC’s Karl: Trump ‘Imitating the Whistleblower’ Could Be Impeachable Offense

ABC News’ chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl said Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s comments about the whistleblower could be an impeachable offense.

Karl said, “It’s clear that the president is directing the response to all this himself. Both through his tweeting some 30 tweets over the weekend. But in terms of this attack on the whistleblower, it has been relentless. Of course, it started by suggesting the whistleblower those who talk to the whistleblower are essentially spies, and the punishment for spying used to be a death. Now demanding to out the whistleblower. His own aides have called whistleblower part of the deep state conspiracy.”

He added, “George, this could well be a violation of federal whistleblower protection laws and is also the kind of thing that could end up being one of the articles of impeachment against the President, imitating the whistleblower.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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