Jesus' Coming Back

Title X Protect Life Rule Reallocates Millions of Dollars from Planned Parenthood to Other Providers

Title X Protect Life Rule Reallocates Millions of Dollars from Planned Parenthood to Other Providers

Earlier this week, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that $33.6 million in Title X funding will be reallocated to 50 other groups and not Planned Parenthood.

The announcement came after the Trump administration created the Title X Protect Life Rule in 2019, as Chrisitan Headlines previously reported. The rule refuses to provide federal funds for organizations that refer for abortion services.

The money will now funnel to health departments and clinics across the United States to help meet needs caused by the loss of federal funding from Planned Parenthood and other organizations that refused to comply.

“In order to minimize the service gaps created by those grantees, HHS awarded supplemental grants to qualified organizations that comply with the law,” HHS Director of External Affairs Mia Heck said to Fox News.

“Those supplemental grants allow them to expand family-planning services and increase protections for women and children at risk of (or victims of) child abuse, child molestation, sexual abuse, rape, incest, intimate-partner violence, and sex trafficking.”

Other organizations that lost funding besides Planned Parenthood included government health departments in New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Illinois, Vermont and Oregon. States such as Alabama, Arizona, Mississippi and Delaware will receive additional Title X funds.

Planned Parenthood has fought hard against the new rule and believe it will hurt women.

“This puts health care at risk for four million patients and keeps patients from getting information about all of their health care options—including 1.6 million Planned Parenthood patients,” their website said.

The HHS, however, anticipates that the reallocation of funds will still provide the assistance women need.

“The supplemental awards will come close to—if not exceed—prior Title X patient coverage,” Heck said. “HHS will continue to seek qualified entities to minimize any interruption of Title X services caused by the grantees that chose not to serve their patients as promised when they accepted Title X funds.”


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Photo courtesy: Andrew Burton/Getty Images/Staff


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