Jesus' Coming Back

Crazed Black Man Dressed Like Woman Takes Over Mic at CNN’s ‘LGBTQ’ Town Hall Meeting

In a bizarre display, a man identifying as a “black transgender woman” — appearing to be severely mentally ill — took control over the audience microphone at CNN’s Equality Town Hall gathering on Thursday, which included nine of the Democratic presidential candidates, and angrily blasted the network — as other protesters chanted “trans lives matter!”

“Black trans women are being killed in this country, and CNN, you have erased black trans women for the last time!” the protester angrily yelled at moderator Don Lemon and the room. “Let me tell you something! Black trans women are dying! Our lives matter! I’m an extraordinary black trans woman, and I deserve to be here! … I am tired, I am so tired of just sitting there! … I’m gonna say what I’m gonna say! I’m gonna say what I’m gonna say!” the man dressed as a woman shouted into the mic.

CNN’s presidential town hall moderator Don Lemon, who came out as “gay” in 2011 and who was on stage with Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, attempted to gain the protester’s attention by repeatedly saying “ma’am.” Lemon then asked the protester to come forward and for a name, as well as for the mic to be given to him.

“Blossom C. Brown,” the protester answered.

“Blossom, let me tell you something. The reason that we’re here is to validate people like you,” Lemon said.

“Not one black trans woman has taken the mic tonight! Not one black trans man has taken the mic tonight!” Brown’s elevated voice could be still heard without the mic.

When Lemon then gave the mic back to Brown, the protester yelled at him more.

“Baby, your actions have to speak louder than words! Because guess what? Not one black trans woman has taken the mic tonight! Not one black trans man has taken the mic tonight!”

“Blossom, you’re black trans woman. You have the mic in your hand. I have taken and given it back to you. We want to hear from you. We have had trans people of color, we’ve had all people here …” Lemon stated as Brown remained visibly upset, alligator clapping and yelling at the moderator. “But we are proud and happy that you are here,” Lemon said, giving the mic back once again to Brown, but noting a “time constraint.”

“That’s how anti-blackness works among people of color. That’s what anti-blackness looks like. The erasure of black trans people. I’m here, we are here in this room — please give us that opportunity,” the protester ended.

The town hall meeting also featured presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke stating that it would be a “priority” of his administration to revoke the tax exempt status of Christian churches for opposing same-sex “marriage,” as well as top contender Elizabeth Warren mocking Christians and singing “Jesus loves the little children” to justify her support of homosexuality.

The Bible teaches in Genesis 5:1-2, “This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”

Jesus said in Matthew 19:4-5, “…Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?”

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