***Live Updates*** Louisiana Jungle Primary: Republicans Try to Unseat Dem Gov

Republicans Eddie Rispone and Rep. Ralph Abraham (R-LA) will try to force a runoff against incumbent Governor John Bel Edwards (D) in Louisiana’s gubernatorial jungle primary on Saturday. Edwards must get more than 50 percent of the vote to avoid a runoff.
President Donald Trump campaigned for Republicans on Friday evening in Louisiana and told a raucous Lake Charles crowd that a Republican will unseat Edwards if the race goes to a runoff.
Polls close at 9 PM ET, about 45 minutes after the monumental Florida-LSU showdown kicks off at Death Valley.
Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates of the primary results.
Election results will trickle in here (Secretary of State’s office) after polls close at 9 PM ET.
11:25 PM:
Rispone being welcomed with chants of “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie” as family members fill stage behind him. 24 grandchildren.#lagov
— Will Sentell (@WillSentell) October 13, 2019
11:16 PM: Trump:
The Governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, has done a poor job. NOW HE IS IN A RUNOFF WITH A GREAT REPUBLICAN, @EddieRispone. Thank you Louisiana! 66% down to 47% after I explained what a bad job the Governor was doing.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2019
11:15 PM: Abraham concedes and endorses Rispone:
Ralph Abraham concedes the race for governor after running third. Says he will throw his support to Eddie Rispone in the runoff pic.twitter.com/vdQm9Y7uo3
— Rob Masson (@robmassonfox8) October 13, 2019
Abraham ends a brief concession speech where he announces he has endorsed @EddieRispone in a Nov. 16 runoff election against @JohnBelforLA.
“That’s a heartbreaker,” a supporter says. “He’s a bigger man than I am.” #lagov #lalege
— Sam Karlin (@samkarlin) October 13, 2019
10:57 PM:
We’re told @DocAbraham will speak here at the election night party in about 10 minutes.
The mood is pretty dim here. Folks are still just watching the LSU game, as news outlets project Eddie Rispone will face John Bel Edwards in a runoff. #lagov #lalege
— Sam Karlin (@samkarlin) October 13, 2019
10:55 PM: Runoff projected: Edwards (D) vs. Rispone (R)
WWLTV PROJECTION: John Bel Edwards and Eddie Rispone are going into a runoff #Louisianaelection #BeOn4 pic.twitter.com/MUmlWLhJ5I
— WWL-TV (@WWLTV) October 13, 2019
DDHQ projection: #LAgov heads to runoff…
— Decision Desk HQ (@DecisionDeskHQ) October 13, 2019
With 86% of the vote in, it’s looking awfully daunting for John Bel Edwards to win outright tonight. Still sitting at 46%. Rispone in second right now with 28% and Abraham in third with 24%.
— Nick Reimann (@nicksreimann) October 13, 2019
We project that Republican Eddie Rispone will advance to the #LAGov runoff. He faces off against incumbent Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards on November 16th.
— Decision Desk HQ (@DecisionDeskHQ) October 13, 2019
10:30 PM: Rispone now takes the lead over Abraham.
Edwards: 45.4%
Rispone: 27.1%
Abraham: 25.1%— Samantha Mims (@SunshineSt8Sam) October 13, 2019
10:00 PM: Still too close to call:
(As of 9pm CST, 24% of pcts are in)Edwards: 47%
Abraham: 26%
Rispone: 25%@WVLANBCLocal33 @wgmbfox44 @WGNOtv @NBC6News @KLFY @MyArkLaMiss #lagov— Harrison Golden (@harrisongolden) October 13, 2019
With polls closed, everyone now waits… #lalege #lagov pic.twitter.com/Ix63v1f2fX
— Melinda Deslatte (@MelindaDeslatte) October 13, 2019
9:40 PM: Another very early update.
Numbers update: John Bel Edwards has 41% of the vote with Ralph Abraham at 30% and Eddie Rispone at 26%.
— News15 (@YourNews15) October 13, 2019
9:36 PM: Florida has again tied the game at 21. For some reason, Florida Head Coach Dan Mullen always seems to give LSU Defensive Coordinator Dave Aranda fits.
9:35 PM:
Early voting showing runoff more likely than not. YUGE decreases in multiple parishes for JBE.
— John Couvillon (@WinWithJMC) October 13, 2019
9:30 PM:
As @JMilesColeman points out, Jefferson Parish early voting has gone from 79% for Jindal in 2007 and 2011 to 54% for JBE in 2019. pic.twitter.com/fDcHJbgKWs
— Jeff Asher (@Crimealytics) October 13, 2019
9:15 PM: Some very early results as Florida ties the game at 14 on an absolute circus play at the goal line.
7 of 3934 precincts reportingRalph Abraham (REP)30.22%51,852
Oscar “Omar” Dantzler (DEM)0.64%1,101
John Bel Edwards (DEM)41.92%71,919
Gary Landrieu (IND)0.75%1,282
Patrick “Live Wire” Landry (REP)0.83%1,420
“Eddie” Rispone (REP)25.64%43,981— KATC TV3 (@KATCTV3) October 13, 2019
Pizza has arrived at @DocAbraham’s election party #lagov pic.twitter.com/l77hP8dQ70
— Sam Karlin (@samkarlin) October 13, 2019
9:00 PM: Polls are now closed.
Congressman Abraham has arrived at his election headquarters. He’s been greeting people and taking photos. #lagov pic.twitter.com/0CSqXmzcGY
— Adria Goins (@Adria_Goins) October 13, 2019
Setting up at Eddie Rispone’s headquarters. Join @WAFB at 6 o’clock for complete coverage. We’ll be all over the state for all the races. pic.twitter.com/j9v6pkm8Ti
— Matt Williams (@MattWAFB) October 12, 2019
The TVs at @JohnBelforLA HQ are tuned in! #AreYouReadyForSomeFootball #LSUvsUF #lagov pic.twitter.com/MozEBHmpPH
— Harrison Golden (@harrisongolden) October 13, 2019
8:40 PM: Polls in Louisiana will close in 20 minutes. Florida has just tied the game in Death Valley. Florida 7, LSU 7.
Former President Barack Obama records last-minute robocalls for incumbent Dem. John Bel Edwards:
“I know John Bel,” Barack Obama says in a robocall. “He and I worked closely to expand Medicaid for working people. And we stood shoulder to shoulder to help Louisiana recover from devastating floods.” https://t.co/o7tFtUa1P5
— The Advocate (@theadvocatebr) October 12, 2019
Republicans Rispone and Abraham trying to send the gubernatorial race to a runoff:
Thank you @realDonaldTrump! Louisiana needs someone like President Trump to turn this state around. Go vote for the only conservative outsider and businessman so we can fire @JohnBelforLA and make Louisiana great again! #LAGov https://t.co/LF6Uc3r4dQ
— Eddie Rispone (@EddieRispone) October 12, 2019
#TeamEddie is working hard to help us get out the vote! Let’s win this thing and make Louisiana the #1 state in the South so our children and grandchildren will always be proud to call Louisiana home. #LAGov pic.twitter.com/sO8evm3C68
— Eddie Rispone (@EddieRispone) October 12, 2019
I voted this morning to put Louisiana Families First! Make sure to exercise your right to Geaux Vote today! Help is on the way!#lagov #Doc4Gov pic.twitter.com/JiNUDgMANM
— Dr. Ralph Abraham (@DocAbraham) October 12, 2019
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