Jesus' Coming Back

School Administrator Suspended for Questioning Why School Introduced LGBT Agenda

School Administrator Suspended for Questioning Why School Introduced LGBT Agenda

A school administrator in London has been suspended for questioning the school for adding LGBT books to the school library and introducing Pride Month to the calendar.

Maureen Griffith, who has worked at Alperton Community School in North London since the 1990s, says she had questions after the staff was given reading lists for LGBTQ+ Pride Month, CBN News reports.

She said, “parents had not been consulted” on the changes and said there would be “parents with children from religious backgrounds who would object and not want their children to have this form of sex education.”

“As a parent myself, I would not have wanted my sons to be reading LGBT books or to be involved in an LGBT Pride Month,” Griffith said.

She said a staff member left the room during Griffith’s questions and another accused her of ignoring the law on same-sex marriage.

Less than two weeks after the meeting, Griffith was given a letter saying she had been suspended for “breaching the Governors Code of Conduct” and for making “homophobic comments at a public meeting that were offensive to members of staff.”

In response to the suspension, Griffith said her job is to “scrutinize” and help lead conversation to “discussion, debate and finding consensus on the right way to move forward.”

“When they told me I had been ‘homophobic’ for scrutinizing the introduction of LGBT Pride Month, I had to go home and look up what it meant,” she said. “I couldn’t believe it. But now with this LGBT agenda, not just in schools, but across society, there is no debate, no questioning and there is only a one-way democracy.”

Griffith said she is trusting in her faith during her suspension.

“My faith in Jesus is very important to me in good and bad times – it is my be all and end all,” she said. “I can do nothing without His help, and he makes my burden lighter. This is how my mum brought me up.”

Photo courtesy: Pixabay


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