Jesus' Coming Back

Texas ‘Family and Protective Services’ to Investigate Case In Which Mother is Trying to ‘Transition’ Son Into a ‘Girl’

DALLAS (LifeSiteNews) — The governor of Texas tweeted that the state will be investigating the case of a mother who is trying to orchestrate a gender “transition” for her seven-year-old son against the wishes of his father.

Yesterday evening, Republican Governor Greg Abbott tweeted that the Texas Attorney General’s Office and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services will be looking into the James Younger case.

Dr. Anne Georgulas and Mr. Jeffrey Younger have been in a complicated custody dispute over their twins, James and Jude. Dr. Georgulas has been telling James he’s a girl since he was three, and his pediatrician, Dr. Jennifer Pape, classifies him as a female in his medical records. She enrolled him in kindergarten as a girl named “Luna.” He uses the girls’ restroom, and all of this classmates believe he is a girl.

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