Jesus' Coming Back

Disgusting Porn Whore Turned MMA Fighter Who Openly Promotes Satanism And Human Sacrifice Gets Destroyed In Debut Fight

The Catholic Church lists that the three main struggles we face, and arguably in which all sins could be categorized are against the world, the flesh, and the devil. This struggle has always existed since the fall from Eden, the war was won at the cross, and the war will be finished when Christ returns. Until that time, each man must battle against all since on the long and difficult path towards Heaven, struggling daily against himself and those who would try to tempt him. It is why Christ taught us to pray “and lead us not into temptation”.

The struggle between good and evil has reached in a sense uncharted territory in modern times owing to historically unprecedented and evil actions taken by certain prelates, and because it has always been that “as goes the Church, so goes the world”, the world is taking a racing dive into new depth of evil in so far as the intensity, extent, and replication of them at new speeds.

I have noted before that one area to always pay attention to is the “adult industry”, or whatever the equivalent exists in a culture for their version of prostitutes and prostitution because while the act and actions of them are absolutely sinful, the sin is so obvious that it cannot be hidden, and things that one sees develop among them one will also see in society for better or worse, as they and those who associate with them cannot hide what they do.

Having noted this, there was a recent story in the MMA world about a debut fight between two new fighters. One was what appears to be an average American girl MMA who served in the military and otherwise looks normal. The other woman is a known porn whore turned MMA fighter.

Thankfully, the porn whore did not just lose, but she lost terribly in what onlookers had described as a savage beating even for a beginner MMA fighter.

What caught my eye about this story was the whore. This particular woman, who is somebody I have never heard of, is covered in satanic tattoos all over her body and pictures of demonic things on her twitter page, and her instagram, when it is not filled with porn. Before the fight on her twitter page she announced that she was going to “sacrifice [the] soul” of the other fighter in the ring.

Link here. Note too the inverted stars near her name for her Twitter handle.

Now one cannot ever say that there has ever been a separation between the ‘world, flesh, and devil’ in whoredom, for this embraces all three things. There is a reason why the Bible speaks so clearly about Jezebel the evil queen or the whore of Babylon, because in them all three of these sins make a physical manifestation which none can hide from and to which the evils around one can be traced clearly if the roots which would lead to such epistemological proof are unable by other means to be ascertained definitively.

Likewise, this is not to say that people have not been open about demonic things before. There is no such thing as any kind of “idealized” past, and time may change but the nature of man does not.

What I take interest with is that this woman’s open embrace of the demonic by outright writing it with symbols all over her body and putting it on her social media and that she is involved in the adult industry is an indicator of how the world as a whole is moving.

Before the demonic was always hidden, or at least covered up in ways that were less visible or difficult for those who were not aware of the particular signs used to indicate this. There has been an increase in knowledge due to the Internet forcing discussions that in the past would not have taken place. But it is more than this happening. Those who belong to such sects are barely trying to hide anymore, or if they do, it is for select reasons because so much of society has already accepted their beliefs by direct action or by embracing the same philosophy. There is a reason why atheism, paganism, and satanism all overlap, for while there are a very small number of atheists who likely are confused people, and true paganism in the past was a genuine search for God by human means that man could not pass to the truth and has only since been able to pass to her because of Christ revealing that which was hidden “since the foundation of the world”, most atheism and paganism are just forms of worshiping the self by placing the ability to declare and define moral truth as absolute for themselves and others into the hands of either an individual or a particular race or tribe of people. While there are those who directly worship evil entities, they do this because they believe they can get power from them, and that somehow they will be able to use this to get power over others and serve as standards of morality in themselves.

What I find disturbing is the intensity, propagation, and speed of motion of the demonic in today’s society, and that this porn whore is not anything special, but has become a near absolute rule for the industry.

Traditionally speaking, those who entered into prostitution (and still in many cases) did so because of poverty and abuse. In modern times, especially in the US, this is not so, but because of vanity and attention, as many do not now come from these backgrounds. The demonic has always been involved in the “adult industry” for centuries (the entire case of the Poisoners, which went all the way to the top of French high society in the 17th century with a cult that involved a rogue priest ritually murdering babies, was exposed by a French prostitute involved in it), but it is the nature today, which is something that is no longer about poverty and power, but about people of comfortable and average backgrounds embracing evil for the sake of evil and enjoying it. It still exists in the forms it has in the historical past, except now it is that it has gone “mainstream” in society.

Does one wonder what sodom may have looked like for her evils in addition to the act itself? Just take a look around society today because you are living in a modern-day sodom that is far more sodomitic than what sodom was.

God is very tolerant with people’s messes, and He will help them clean up. However, if one does not want to, He will do it His way. The first time, He used water and then promised the world He would not use water again. The next time at sodom and those cities near to her was when He used fire, and this was a sign for all times. If God used fire for those cities, and if He would not spare His only Son from death for the sake of saving the human race, does one believe that He will not, if need be clean the world by fire if it so needs it?

The signs are clear for all to see. Prepare for the next deluge, for it will be by fire.


Jesus Christ is King

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