Eight takeaways from the Baghdadi raid

Still image taken from video of a man purported to be Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi making what would be his first public appearance in Mosul in 2014.. (photo credit: REUTERS)
This included at least nine ISIS members. The Guardian says that the landlord was also killed. Two wives of Baghdadi blew themselves up. It appears Baghdadi blew himself up with three children. A dog was sent into a tunnel to get Baghdadi. He detonated a suicide belt at the end of his ordeal.
Trump says that the US brought back not only intelligence information but may have also brought back some bodies and maybe some live ISIS members. It’s not entirely clear. Trump said “a large number of Baghdadi’s fighters” were killed.
The whole changing strategy seems ad-hoc. It’s not even clear if Trump discusses it with some senior advisors.
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