Jesus' Coming Back

Hundreds Of Christian Denominations Scramble To Recruit Kanye West

U.S.—After Kanye West converted to Christianity, Christian denominations across the country immediately began scrambling to woo him over.

Kanye West says he’s been flooded with gift baskets, swag, and monetary offers from Christian denominations looking to get him to join their church.

The Baptists sent West a gift basket full of casseroles, while a local Reformed church sent him a 12-pack of craft beer. A charismatic congregation sent a representative to speak in tongues, while the Catholics sent a priest to exorcise his house and also offer him a gift basket of crackers and wine.

“I am keeping all my options open,” West told reporters. “My agent and I are looking through all the offers to see what the best deal is, what the greatest deal of all time is. Of all time.”

“We love you, Kanye! Come check out Cityriselife Church! We have free coffee and a complimentary mini donut for guests! Visit us this Sunday!” one desperate pastor replied to a Kanye post on Twitter. All of his Twitter replies were filled with similar posts, with pastors scrambling to offer him all kinds of swag to get him to join up.

Representatives for these denominations deny they are doing this for West’s tithing potential.

Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland have each offered West a private jet to come over to their side.

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