Jesus' Coming Back

Sudanese Court Orders Security Services to Return Confiscated Land to Baptist Church

(Christian Solidarity Worldwide) CSW welcomes a ruling by Sudan’s Court of Appeal for land belonging to the Baptist Church, which has been confiscated by the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), to be returned.

In 2012, NISS seized the land in Khartoum Bahri, preventing the Baptist Church from using it for any purpose. The decision by NISS was part of a wave of repression against Christians between 2011 and 2013 that included the forced deportation of foreign Christians and the closure of church-run schools and training centers.

On 9 September, three Court of Appeal Judges ruled that the decision made by NISS in 2012 was invalid, and the land must be returned to the Baptist Church. The written judgement was not communicated to the Church until October.

The case was initially submitted to the administrative court in 2017 in a bid to overturn the decision by NISS to seize the land on the basis that the agency had no right in law to make such an order. The court ruled in favor of the Baptist Church; however NISS appealed to the Court of Appeal, which has now ordered it to return the land to the Church.

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