Jesus' Coming Back

Drag Queen Performs Cannibal-Themed Act, Simulates Bloody Self-Abortion With Doll

A video posted to YouTube that has been described as “sick,” “disgusting” and “demonic” shows a drag queen performing an act at a cannibal-themed drag show in which he simulates a self-abortion, cutting a child from his womb in the form of a plastic doll and drinking fake blood.

The video begins with the drag queen, who goes by the name Blair Back, hopping up onto the bar and acting as if he was stabbing himself in the abdomen. He then picks up a glass and reaches inside his belly to grab a handful of blood, which also splatters all over his clothing.

A woman watching nearby expresses shock, her mouth dropping open. She hops down from the bar, apparently unable to bear to watch further.

Back reaches inside of his clothing again and pulls out a plastic doll baby, which he lifts up and licks in the face. A man viewing the performance smiles.

The song “Cannibal” from Kesha blasts out, “I want your liver on a platter/Use your finger to stir my tea/And for dessert, I’ll suck your teeth/Be too sweet, and you’ll be a goner/I’ll pull a Jeffrey Dahmer.”

Back then drinks from the glass he poured and later rips the baby’s head off and swings the doll in the air, bloodying himself more and more as the performance continues.

An approving audience cheers and at least two attendees give Back money, which he stuffs into his “blood-soaked” outfit.

The video, which was shared to social media on Wednesday, generated much disgust from viewers.

“These are the kind of guys that are reading stories to young children at our public libraries?” one commenter asked.

“I’m not religious, but this person has something very wrong within him. Sadistic freak, disguised as artistic value. Utterly tasteless and a vile display of mental illness,” another remarked.

“This is what society gets and deserves for being tolerant of degeneracy,” a third opined.

“The fact that nobody stepped in and stopped this is shocking,” another wrote.

Back joked about the backlash on social media, writing on Thursday, “I’ve been having contractions all morning!!! I can’t wait to get these BABIES out of me.”

Back’s page includes a number of dark posts, including an invitation to an event dubbed the “Birthday Blood Bath,” an invite to “Diva Dolls,” in which he said he would be “calling the corners and summoning Baphomet,” and a graphic that reads, “Maybe today Satan.”

Jesus said in John 3:19, “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.”

The Bible teaches that all men, by nature, are drawn toward sin and rebellion, and must be changed from being in Adam to being in Christ or they cannot see the kingdom of Heaven (John 3:3). God, in His love and mercy, “delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son” (Colossians 1:13).

Ephesians 6:12 reminds believers, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

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