Jesus' Coming Back

Libs Triggered After Ben Shapiro LITERALLY STEAMROLLS A Bunch Of SNOWFLAKE College Students

Libs Triggered After Ben Shapiro LITERALLY STEAMROLLS A Bunch Of SNOWFLAKE College Students

BERKELEY, CA—Hahaha, libs are sooooo triggered right now!

The latest microaggression that sent them running to their binkies and safe spaces? Ben Shapiro casually STEAMROLLING over a bunch of SNOWFLAKE college students on a UC campus.

Often, he philosophically steamrolls them, crushing them with facts and logic. But this time, he literally steamrolled them with a 15,000-pound road roller. That’s right: Shapiro rented a giant steamroller and went to town!

Go Shappy! Go Shappy!

The incident took place at a Q&A on UC Berkeley’s campus. As usual, the event was protested by dumb, angry libs who need their baba and blanky. One student approached a microphone and said, “Hi, Mr. Hitler, my name is Brad Daley, xe/xim. What about transgender people?”

But xe didn’t know what xe was getting into! Shapiro thought for a millisecond before pressing a button on a remote control to summon his steamroller. As the students watched in horror, Shapiro jumped in the driver’s seat and immediately began CRUSHING them, not with facts and logic, but with 15,000 pounds of iron and steel.

BOOM goes the dynamite!

In the three minutes it took Shapiro to ABSOLUTELY DESTROY all the TRIGGERED LIB SNOWFLAKES, he gave an entire lecture on the history of Western civilization. But, of course, the airhead college students were too TRIGGERED to learn anything from him.


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