Blue and White: The shooting was a result of Netanyahu’s surrender policy

Heads of the Blue and White party, Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid. Avigdor Liberman, Head of rightist Yisrael Beiteinu party. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the weekly cabinet meeting, December 2, 2018. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
In the aftermath of the rocket fire from the Gaza Strip on Friday, including the rocket that hit a home in Sderot, Blue and White co-leader MK Yair Lapid claims that “Netanyahu’s surrender policy went bankrupt.” Israel Beytenu and Blue and White attacked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday, saying it was the result of his “surrender policy.”
Lapid wrote in his Facebook page that “The picture of five-year-old Tahal Dahan, lying on the floor frozen in fear, was engraved in the heart of every Israeli citizen. Security is not done in filming and press conferences, but in determined and consistent work.”
Lapid continued: “Hamas and… Islamic Jihad officials need to know that they will pay with their lives for any attack on Israeli civilians. Terrorism should be responded to forcefully, not in suitcases with dollars. Netanyahu’s surrender policy went bankrupt. The perception of security when it comes to Gaza needs to change. The IDF needs to operate with a much wider toolbox, including a return to the policy of counterterrorism. Israel needs a strong and determined security leadership now, headed by Gantz.”
Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman said: “More than ten rockets fired at Sderot and the Gaza border communities on Friday evening, with families sitting around the Shabbat table, are a direct result of the government’s surrender policy toward the terrorist organizations in Gaza.”
Liberman wrote on Facebook, “Anyone who holds riots and demonstrations on Friday afternoon gets rockets on Friday evening. The prime minister’s response – tens of millions of dollars will be handed over to Hamas leaders again next weekend. The erosion of Israeli deterrence in the south encourages our enemies in the North and Iran.”
Yesterday, Labor leader MK Amir Peretz wrote on his Twitter account: “Again this is happening on Friday where everyone is partying around the Sabbath table. We are at home in Sderot with the children and grandchildren going down to the protected space. True, there will now be political interpretations, and I’d rather leave that for later. Thanks to our fighters, and a quiet Saturday for all of us. As I squint, here is another rocket alert siren. Let’s hope this is the last barrage.”
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