Dem Chief Deputy Whip Kildee: ‘I Regret’ That Some Dems ‘Decided That They Wanted to Impeach’ ‘Long Before’ Ukraine

On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News HQ,” House Democratic Chief Deputy Whip Dan Kildee (D-MI) said he regrets that some Congressional Democrats “had already decided that they wanted to impeach” President Trump before the Ukraine issue came up, but that doesn’t mean we can ignore what we know about Trump’s behavior.
Kildee said that the impartiality of Congressional Democrats in light of some of them prejudging impeachment is “a legitimate issue, and I regret the fact that some of my colleagues, long before even the Ukraine question came forward, had already decided that they wanted to impeach the president. You know, many of us came to the conclusion a little bit later in the process, but I don’t think because of that, we can ignore the fact that we do now…see behavior that we think does rise to the level of an impeachment inquiry, but I think it’s a fair point, and I think it’s a dangerous thing for either side.”
He later added that “some members, I think legitimately, have decided, that, based on the president’s own admissions, that he violated his oath. That’s a fair conclusion for people to draw based on his own admissions.”
Kildee also stated, “I think it’s fair to say that Republicans ought not come to the conclusion that, no matter what the evidence shows, President Trump will be exonerated.”
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