Jesus' Coming Back

Jewish Sodomites Celebrate Perverted “Butt Mitzvah” Event And Brag About Masturbating On Each Other

Israel loves to present herself as the “only democracy in the Middle East”, but the fact is that she is also the largest sodomite disco in the Middle East, and if one considers by concentration of people, in the whole world, as there are more sodomites in Israel than anywhere else. This likewise penetrates into wherever major Jewish communities are found.

In a recent story out of New York, a major sodomite night club announced an event that was advertised on the major Jewish publication Forward, which said that it was going to have a “Butt Mitzvah” in which they were going to celebrate all things Jewish, sodomitic as well as making allusions to masturbating and ejaculating on each other.

To life, to health, to great friends, and to butts: l’chaim.

Fat-bottomed girls, Miss New Booty, and all the honky tonk badonkadonks of the tri-state area will be joyfully grinding to the nusach of the Thong Song this Saturday in Williamsburg at Butt Mitzvah, a queer Jewish nightclub event.

A “cumming of age ceremony” (their words, not ours) inspired by the ancient tradition of the bar mitzvah, Butt Mitzvah is an immersive nightclub event developed by Brit Josh Cole. The evening, which has seen up to 1,000 guests a night in its twice-yearly London iteration, celebrates and subverts the Jewish lifecycle staple, making it adults-only, queer, and sparkly. “In terms of bar and bat mitzvahs, all LGBT Jews can relate to a sense of isolation at this age and being at those functions and not feeling like you necessarily belong,” Cole says. Butt Mitzvah seeks to reverse that, welcoming “all genders, all races, all sexualities, all religions” to one big party.
Expect klezmer music, chair-lifting, abundant snacks, and that classic round-and-round spiralized dancing, at the “Challahween”-themed party. Expect also: drag queens, a butt mitzvah girl chosen for her salacious last name, and unmitigated, uncompromising joy. “Butt Mitzvah is for Jews and non-Jews, you don’t need to know the Torah to be part of Butt Mitzvah,” Cole said. “There’s no implicit knowledge required.” He said he hopes people who don’t always have an “obvious” place in the Jewish community — people with just one Jewish parent or grandparent — will feel at home.

If the whole thing seems a little vulgar or over-sexualized to you, think of it this way — queer Jews grow up hearing the Leviticus 18 verse, “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; it is an abhorrence.” Butt Mitzvah is about radical acceptance, seeing yourself in the eyes of your community not as an abhorrence but as a reason for rejoicing. “I think having some reference to vulgar wordplay makes it overtly gay and unashamedly sexual,” Cole says. “The night itself is not sexual,” he adds, but like its title, it is “identifiably gay and queer, and overtly Jewish.”

So take them baggy sweat pants and the Reebok’s with the straps (the straps) down to 3 Dollar Bill this Saturday, and celebrate becoming a member of the covenant of pride in your own existence. “New York feels like a sort of homeland for Jews, and it feels like a spiritual homeland for Butt Mitzvah,” Cole said. “Obviously,” he added, “Israel is a nation for Jews. But New York is the place for the Butt Mitzvah.” (source)

Upon seeing an event such as this and as you can read in the Shoebat archives, and noting how these Jewish sodomites openly repudiate the Biblical prohibitions against sodomite behavior, and how this is a pattern of Jewish behavior not only in the Old Testament but post-crucifixion, one cannot help point out the obvious contradictions.

All of the Gospels make clear that the concept of being the “chosen people” of God is not something that gives power, or is to rejoice in the face of another, or justifies sin, or to have a guarantee of an easy life, but it is to be blessed by God and then to go out and help bring others to the knowledge of salvation.

The Catholic Church has always held that true Judaism is preserved and perfected in the Church, as she is the Bride of Christ and it is for men to care for Her until He returns again to take Her with Him. On the opposite end is the Judaism which has the name of Jewish but by rejecting Christ, instead of running from enslavement, turned directly and marched right into Babylon, and in doing so brought all of the evils of the old world that Christ fought against with her.

This is why the Catholic Saints speak of so frequently that the antichrist would undoubtedly have direct ties and likely come from the Jews, because being a “Jew” in the world following the crucifixion is to associate with the spiritual people- not explicitly racial, for the true Judaism that is the Faith includes all races and people -who crucified Christ in the name of nationalism and racism and then mocked Him on the Cross.

More people have been brought to knowledge of the Bible and to read it thanks to Christianity and Christians than what the Jewish or Hebrew peoples ever did, even though they were the ones who wrote the Old Testament and later, Jews who became Christians who wrote the New Testament. Likewise, it is also Jews who rejected the Old and New Testaments in favor of a “teaching” (in Hebrew, Talmud) that uses sophistry, rhetoric, and complicated, confused discussions with repeating points and irrational assumptions to justify every sin which the Bible condemns and then to add in new sins to justify.

The love of the “sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance” among Jews is directly related to the rejection of the divine Logos, for by rejecting the Messiah and then murdering Him, insulting Him, and refusing to repent, they have placed themselves in opposition to God, for Christ is the only way to Heaven, and the best analogy to what the Jews did and continue to do is to slam the door as hard as they can in His face, insult Him through it, tell Him that they hope the door hit Him and hurt Him while is was being closed, and then try to prevent people from opening the door for themselves and their benefit as misery loves to be accompanied by the miserable.

The issue was never about race, and it will never be about race except for those who want to sin. The issue is always about grace, and as the Bible clearly states, God’s grace is not bound to anybody save for those who love Him and want to be with Him.


Jesus Christ is King

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