Jesus' Coming Back

Ancient Demon God Of Child Sacrifice Put On Display In Rome

The Old Testament repeatedly attacks the Canaanites and also those Israelites who worship a status of a demon named Moloch, which according to Sacred Scripture and the record of sacred Tradition seems to have been a kind of Afro-Semitic “bull god” which demanded human sacrifice in the form of babies and young children being burned alive either before or inside an effigy of it. This thing was common not only to the Levant and area that is today Palestine, but also to North Africa, Greece, and Italy under different names.

At a time when paganism is openly returning, and in light of the recent events with the Church and the idol, there was a large statue of Moloch that was put outside of the entrance of the Roman Colosseum.

A reconstruction of a pagan idol who demanded child sacrifice was stationed at the entrance of Rome’s Colosseum as part of a secular historical exhibition.

The presence of the idol raised particular concern among Catholics, as it was erected nine days before the Amazon Synod and the subsequent scandal over the veneration of the Pachamama idol at the Vatican.

The statue of Moloch, worshipped by both the Canaanites and the Phoenicians, is part of an exhibit dedicated to Ancient Rome’s once-great rival, the city of Carthage. The large-scale exhibition, titled Carthago: The immortal myth, runs until March 29, 2020.

“A reconstruction of the terrible deity Moloch, linked to Phoenician and Carthaginian religions and featured in the 1914 film Cabiria (directed by Giovanni Pastore and written by Gabriele D’Annunzio) will be stationed at the entrance to the Colosseum to welcome visitors to the exhibition,” stated a press release about the exhibit.

The statue of Moloch was erected nine days prior to the opening of the Amazon Synod, which was plagued with controversy from the beginning after a ceremony in the Vatican Gardens involving the pagan goddess “Pachamama” was held in the presence of Pope Francis and top-ranking prelates.

Some Catholics are distressed that the pagan god Moloch has been erected at the entrance to the Colosseum, which is one of many amphitheatres where Christians were tortured and executed for the entertainment of the pagan crowds.

“We were so excited the day we decided to go to the Colosseum,” Alexandra Clark told LifeSiteNews via email. She and her sister Tiffany were looking forward to visiting the site of Christian martyrdom.

“But the moment we got there the sight that greeted us was horrifying! Standing guard over the entrance was the colossal pagan statue of Moloch. It was placed in that prime spot so that everyone that entered into the Colosseum had to pass it,” she continued. (source)

The fact that this statue was placed as part of an “art exhibition” right outside of the Colosseum is interesting because, as the story notes clearly. it seems to be a direct insinuation at the many Christian martyrs who were put to death in the Colosseum.

To hint at a coming article, has a special this Sunday about the situation with that “Pachamama” thing, and we guarantee the details of what we expose will shock you. But without saying too much, and keeping consistent with the theme here, one can see that even in the walls of the Church as well as the political halls of Western society, whose influence extends to the East and then globally, is the direct revival of ancient forms of paganism that Christianity wiped out.

It does not matter if the party is on the “left” or the “right”, for what the left does in public, the right does in secret or covers with culture and nationhood in order to better disguise it, yet it all leads to the same result of violence and death. The “left” has shown this by the Pachamama idol and now what seems to be his evil statue being passed as “art”, yet the right is doing the same thing. has noted this for a long time, and in 2017, we exposed this with an exclusive investigation into the activities of the counter-jihad movement in Iceland where we found that Robert Spencer was working with a National Socialist pagan and demon worshiper named Sigurfreyr Jonasson who has deep ties to the European political right and the nationalist movements.

The left calls for paganism under the banner of internationalism, but the right calls for it under the name of blood-and-soil doctrines, as this is what National Socialism was and has been promoted by the US since the end of World War II under the Gladio intelligence program through a series of “stay-behind” operations that were connected to philosophical and cultural movements throughout Western Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and parts of Russia or the Far East.

This dysfunction has been show by the many in the Church who, ascribing to either “side” of the false dualistic paradigm, have taken a side and promoted either one, only to advance the general decline of the Faith, replace it with apostasy by action or apathy, and to worsen the already horrible situation.

This is why the world is falling closer to war, why there is no political answer, and why as much as one must criticize those people who do open evil, to never forget that the worse ones are those pagans who do evil in secret yet appear to be one’s closest supporters, which is often only revealed too late after serious and sometimes unrecoverable damage has taken place.


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