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Report: House Democrats Consider Drafting Three Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

House Democrats have reportedly weighed drafting three articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, sparked by a so-called “whistleblower’s” mischaracterization of the president’s phone call with the leader of Ukraine.

According to ABC News, Democrats are evaluating articles charging President Trump with abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and contempt of Congress.

Impeachment. investigators believe the president could be charged with abuse of power for floating to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to look into allegations of corruption against former Vice President and 2020 White House contender Joe Biden, along with his beleaguered son, Hunter Biden. Further, lawmakers believe the president may have obstructed justice and be in contempt of Congress for defying subpoenas for documents and witness testimony.

“They have also weighed an obstruction of justice charge centered on the president’s efforts to obstruct former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation,” ABC News reports.

The development comes as former national security adviser John Bolton opted against interviewing with congressional investigators on Thursday.

An attorney for Bolton, Charles Cooper, said his client had not received a subpoena. Cooper had previously said Bolton would not appear without one.

Read the rest of the story HERE

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