Jesus' Coming Back

Forget About Pachamama, The Guy Who Threw The Idol Into The Tiber Has Directly Worked With Major National Socialist Supporters, Ultra-Nationalist Political Parties Who Are Trying To Revive The Reich, And Now Is Boasting Of Reviving German Militarism In The Future

(Shoebat Sunday Special)

Alexander Tschugguel of Vienna, Austria rocketed to international fame in the Catholic world after he took an Amazonian idol, the “Pachamama”, and threw it into the Tiber River and filmed himself doing this. He later exposed who he was on Youtube, and Catholic media has been consumed with interest of him since then.

Most of the interviews given have concerned his actions, which are unquestionably commendable in so far as those idols had no place ever in the Church.

But who is Alexander Tschugguel? That is a question which most people do not know much about and which in spite of the attention being placed upon him, there has been no serious inquiry about from secular or Catholic media.

According to his own words and the public sources available about him, Alexander Tschugguel was born in Vienna, is approximately 26 years old and says he is a convert from Lutheranism. He associates with the Catholic Traditionalist movement, is heavily involved in the pro-life movement, and also closely associates with major nationalist causes.

Ted, Walid, and I are all Catholic. However, this does not mean that we are above criticism of members in our own Faith, for to be Catholic is not to over-associate oneself with any government, nation, or even people, except with the Empire of Christ under the true Israel, which is made up of all races of those people who love Christ and want to follow Him. To pursue truth is essential to what it means to be Catholic, as it is the True Faith founded on Christ that shall not fail.

Tschugguel’s age suggests he graduated college around 2015. There is little data available on him about his schooling at this point that we can definitively confirm, although we know that Tschugguel has worked with Catholic groups in at least one university in Bonn to promote anti-sodomite positions.

Family History

We spent a long time examining his family and background, and there is very little information available about him. He claims that he became Catholic at 15, which would be around 2007-2008, noting that his great-grandfather had become a Lutheran (18:15) and he was raised in this faith before. He has also noted that he has three other siblings.

In one of articles, Tschugguel is referred to as “Baron von Tschugguel,” with a link to the history of the Tschugguel name as coming from the village of Tramin in Tyrol, an area that shares a border with Italy. This area is known as South Tyrol (on the Italian part) and has a long history with nationalism, much to the dismay of Italy, as the Austrian government has been attempting to give Austrian citizenship to Italians living in South Tyrol. The anger is that this is an aggressive move from Austria to attempt to assert political sovereignty over this region of Italy.

Forebears.Io reports that the Tschugguel name (sometimes written and referred to as Tschugguell) has strong roots in Austria and Italy, with most of the persons concentrated in Vienna and the rest in the surrounding province of Niederosterreich, and for those in Italy, they are in the region where South Tyrol is.

Tschugguel admits that he was born in Vienna, but says that all of his family origins come from South Tyrol (17:23) and has lived for the last century in Vienna.

This brings me to another interesting observation, which is his family name. “Tschugguel” is, to one who is familiar with German and any Slavic language, has a very strong sound of a name that has been Germanized from a Slavic one.

To explain this, the “tsch” sound in German can mean the “cheh” sound (Cyrillic Ч, such as CHeese, matCH, etc.), or it can also mean a long “sheh” sound, something which is expressed in Slavic languages by the letter “shchah”, pronounced as a “sheh” and a “cheh” together (say the phrase “freSH CHeese” fast and you can get a feel for the sound), and is represented by a separate letter in Cyrillic (Щ) or by the Polish “szcz” (to understand the etymology, it is a “cheh” and a short “sheh” together, or Ч + Ш = Щ).

The (Щ) or “szcz” in common speech for all Slavs is simply pronounced as a long “sheh” sound, meaning the “cheh” part is not pronounced, but softened into an “sh”. As one of many examples, an English speaker not familiar with Russian can clearly this in the Russian Pop song Ах, какая женщина (Oh, what a woman!), where he does not say “ZhenSHCHEEna” (женщина-woman), but “ZhenSHEEna”.

One can hear the sound (among other places) clearly at 1:20

The “tsch” in his name, in Polish, would become “Szcz”.

the last part, “gguel”, is also odd, but appears to be a Germanization of another part used in many Polish surnames, which is “-giel” or “gel”. For example, the famous Uniwersitet Jagellonski, or the Polish surname Jagielski or Jagielka.

Thus, there is also a distinct possibility that the last name “Tschugguel”could not only Slavic, but appears to be a Germanization of “Szczgiel“, a surname meaning “Goldfinch” and is almost exclusive to Jews of Polish origins.

So who is Mr. Tschugguel? Does he have noble roots and is perhaps a member of ancient Austrian nobility, or is he a descendant of people from Eastern Europe of Ashkenazic Jewish heritage who would have likely migrated to the area and adopted a similar name based on the sounds?

The fact is that we have no proof of anything outside of evidence and common-sense reasoning. We really do not know who he is or his family roots outside of evidence based speculation. Given his lack of clear roots, something that all of us at have attempted to be very clear about as to who we are and where we came from as well as our families, we have a legitimate justification for reasonable suspicion as to who his person is and what is motivations are.

Mr. Tschugguel’s public work is also ambiguous, which does not appear until at least 2012 (he would have been about 19) on Twitter, but his most recent tweet is from May 18, 2019, and his most recent Instagram post was from April 28, 2019.

While has no problem with opposing homosexuality or supporting Christianity, we know that the opposition to Islam is often times used as a cover for racism, especially by political parties. This is something that has strongly emphasized, for opposition to Islam must never come at the expense of Christian truth, as one cannot substitute one evil for another that is more acceptable at a given time. Likewise, has warned that the improvement of German-Russian relations, while not an intrinsically bad thing, may be a sign of attempts to revive a modern variant of the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement that existed between National Socialist Germany and the Soviet Union during World War II, and which would have the potential to create a united European military force, between Germany, Russia, and Turkey, and would be able to directly counter US influence as well as pose a major threat to any nation around the world.

Ties To Ewald Stadler

In 2013, Tschugguel appeared in an article as one of the founders of a new political Party, The Reform Conservatives (REKOS), whose self-stated purpose is to abolish the European Union as well as to form better relationships with Russia, oppose Islam and homosexuality, support Christianity, and has alluded to calls for a return of the monarchy. He founded REKOS with two other people- Rudolf Gehring, who has been involved in Christian and nationalist causes in Austria for decades, and for our purpose that is even more important, Ewald Stadler.

Stadler is a self-professed member of the SSPX who was involved from 1991 until 2007 with the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), which Ted wrote the former FPO head Heinz-Christian Strache admitted in 2011 wants to revive the Reich through the dissolution of the European Union and the return to national currencies. Walid has also warned about FPO head Norbert Hofer, who has been involved with the party since 1996 and which Breitbart news has reported that Hofer is a populist similar to Donald Trump who is targeting the disaffected of Austria and also has known ties to involvement in occult activity, two things which the National Socialists of old also did.

Stadler has been criticized for openly supporting the neo-Nazi German politician Horst Mahler in a speech in 2002.

Ombudsman Ewald Stadler (FPÖ) did not mince his words on May 8 at the controversial anniversary commemoration of the fraternity members in Vienna. The Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance (DÖW) has evaluated the speech of the Burschenschafter (Skalden Innsbruck) and speaks of an “openly presented positive reference to a German neo-Nazi”.

According to Stadler, the “Germans” were burdened with “historical mortgages” and “self-hatred” and opposed the latter with a “disappointment in dealing with our history”. Such a “practice” practiced “Horst Mahler, who is also pursued accordingly,” quoted the DÖW. (source, source)

Stadler was expelled from the FPO in 2006 following a conflict with Strache. He repackaged his same positions under the titles of tradition, anti-Islamism, and pro-Christianity as well as supporting both Austrian nationalism and South-Tyrolean nationalism against the government of Italy in his new political movements, including what seems to be in REKOS.

Remember that as noted above, the Tschugguel name has direct ties to the South Tyrol region of Italy, whose political controversies are directly related to Austrian nationalism and pan-Germanism.

Stadler’s work was with the Christian Party of Austria (CPO) and he was involved in the founding of the Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZO). The former party has been relatively lacking in national influence, focusing mostly on the promotion of Christian values against abortion, sodomy, Islam, and also less openly promoting Euroskepticism or open Germanic nationalism. The BZO, which was founded by Jorg Haider, Ted has pointed out openly supports German militarism by saying that Austria’s refusal to stay militarily neutral would be a threat to her existence and the existence of Europe.

In 2014, Stadler was declared a “person non-grata” by the Ukrainian government following a visit to the Donetsk People’s Republic, which is the easternmost region of Russia that has allied itself with Russia and is fighting a proxy war between the US and Russia in Ukraine. This is interesting because as noted above, his support of Russia suggests attempts to build relations between Germanic nationalists and Russia which could be used to prepare the way for a Molotov-Ribbentrop type agreement for the future as well as potentially rallying support from the historical Black Sea, Volga, and Caspian German communities that have existed there for centuries and played important roles in German military activity in those regions during the First and Second World Wars.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior qualified the polls in the occupied areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts in a statement present to the APA as large-scale crime against Ukrainian citizens. In addition, numerous facts about terror, intimidation, extortion, bribery, forced labor and abductions are documented in the region.

“All of this happens with the support of foreign pseudo-observers who have either been declared unwanted or have become unwanted,” the SBU said. The activities of these individuals would be qualified by the Authority as “illegal support to free-rioters and terrorists”.

On a list published by the Ukrainian right-wing extremism expert Anton Shekhovtsov on Saturday in his blog, 33 international election observers are named. Among them is the former member of the National Council and EU Member Stadler (formerly FPÖ and BZÖ, most recently “The Reform Conservatives” REKOS). Now a lawyer, Stadler appeared at press conferences in Donetsk on Saturday and Sunday as a representative of an as yet unknown “Association for Security and Cooperation in Europe” (ASZE). He was not available for APA over the weekend. (source)

Connections to Beatrix von Storch

The Catholic source reports that Tschugguel openly admits to having worked with the National Socialist supporting AfD leader Beatrix von Storch, a woman who has warned about.

However, further research into his work with von Storch is not available. This is interesting, and it leaves one to wonder about what he may have done with her.

Support of Sebastian Kurz

Tschugguel has expressed open support of the Austrian Identitarian Sebastian Kurz, who has lied about Muslim migration while using anti-Islamic positions to support Germanic nationalism, has said that he wants to “concentrate” the refugees into one spot, and works directly with the Stadler-tied Heinz-Christian Strache in the echelons of the Austrian government, and most importantly, is working with Turkish Muslims in Austria to rebuild the ancient Turco-Teutonic alliance that has ravaged Europe and which has warned about.

Kurz was ousted as Chancellor in 2019 following a video in Ibiza showing Strache discussing with another political party member and National Socialist supporter Johan Gudenus, and a woman posing as the niece of Russian oligarch Igor Makarov attempts at media manipulation. Strache admitted to having multiple meetings with Putin and also said that the major Austrian weapons manufacturer Glock had donated to the Freedom Party along with the gambling company Novomatic.

Questions about The “Boniface” Institute

The original video of Tschugguel throwing the Pachamama idol into the Tiber was released on October 21st, 2019. However, just a week after the incident, the Boniface Institute was registered” (here and here). Tschugguel says that the purpose of this “institute” is to promote Catholicism, but nothing more is known about this institute, who is behind it, if they are receiving external funding, and what will come of them, for we know that there are many people behind Tschugguel as he has admitted, but who are they?

The only real public information that we can cross-reference right now is an address given on the Boniface Institute Web Page points to an address in Vienna. However, when one puts this address in, one does not get the Boniface Institute back, but two other results. The first is something called APB Art Management there and at a second location, but without any clear idea as to what the company does, and it has no real website. The second result that shows is an electronics shop called “Acculux Wien”, which has been in Vienna for many years and is owned by a man named Hans Kremser. One can see a video of the outside of the location here.

We looked into Acculux, and found that the company has done extensive business in Turkey since the early 1970s, as well as with the government of Ecuador.

What link, if there is any that exists between the three, is yet to be determined. However, it is all of note to be mentioned. in that this “institute” has no clear mention of leadership, how “donations” will be used, and those who were involved in the creation of this with the exception of Tschuguell.

Online Presence

Looking at his Youtube lists, Tschuguell seems to suggest that he likes two things- a large number of German children’s cartoons, and a lot of videos or music supporting pan-German nationalism (songs of the Volga Germans in Russia, support of Ewald Stadler or Sebastian Kurz, support of the “Brexit” campaigner Jacob Rees-Mogg which has written about, a video on the First World War, videos of other national anthems, etc.) . One can see the lists herehere, and here.

The children’s cartoons are interesting as while he has no anime per se in them, there seems to be an overlap between a particular idealization of life as promoted by certain cartoons and political reactionism. This is seen clearly in anime, where the cartoons, which are for children, are known vehicles of promoting Japanese causes and for the enforcement of nationalism and have been used for this purpose since World War II.

The videos of nationalism are obvious, for while there is nothing per se wrong with liking such things, they are curious when one places them alongside his work with the National Socialist supporting politicians Ewald Stadler and Beatrix von Storch.

In the days following the Pachama incident, Tschugguel put a post on Twitter where he said:

“#Würzburg? There are no indigenous people living there! Get the #pachamama out!”

What does he mean by “there are no indigenous people living there”? This is a highly ambiguous statement, and while there might be a way to explain it as a linguistic difference, one must wonder if there is not more which he means here, especially in light of his clear support of German nationalism.

If there suddenly were to be overlays promoted by bishops of Nordic fairy tales, or even the Nordic dieties such as Odin or Freya, in Catholic Churches or alongside people associated with the Catholic Faith what would he do? Would he stand up and throw the idols into the river, or would he be more willing to allow them to stay in the name of “cultural understanding” of some kind?

The truth is, we do not know how he would respond. But to say that there are “no indigenous peoples” is strange language, and given his ties to major Nationalist figures, one must wonder what he is attempting to say.

Interview with Taylor Marshall

After he threw the idols into the Tiber, Tschuguell did his first interview with Taylor Marshall.

In this interview, if one listens, Tschuguell makes repeated references to the “Holy Roman Empire” and Austria’s history. While one certainly does not want to oppose the good things of Christian history, one must look at this in terms of the modern history of the Third Reich.

National Socialist Germany was referred to as the “Third Reich” by Arthur Moeller van den Bruck in his book “Das dritte Reich“, which said that the first two “Reichs” were the Holy Roman Empire (800 to 1806) and then the Monarchy from 1871 until 1918. In this sense, National Socialist Germany envisioned herself as a continuation of the original Holy Roman Empire, and was the reason why Hitler said that his Reich would reign for a thousand years, as he saw her in the same historical light, except this time pagan instead of Christian.

When German and Germanic nationalists keep speaking of the “Holy Roman Empire”, one must necessarily be concerned, and in the case of Tschuguell, especially as he openly has connections with major political figures who are tied to National Socialism and National Socialist causes, for it was National Socialism that used the concept of a revival of the “Holy Roman Empire” as a historical template onto which they imposed their vision of a contemporary Teutonic war machine that created a hell on earth for so many.

Another interesting point is his condemnation of communism as well as his speaking very highly of Bishop Athanasius Schneider, praising his roots as a “Black Sea German” (44:36) in reference to the Crimean German community whose origins stretch back to the Visigothic migrations and were strong allies of the Turks for centuries. While there is nothing wrong with opposing communism or knowing one’s roots, it is interesting given his open work with German nationalists tied to pan-Germanism as well as his own apparent interest in pan-Germanism and Catholic traditionalism, as has reported how National Socialist organizations openly admit they want to infiltrate and take over “traditional” movements to use them for their causes.

But one of the most interesting points comes at the end of the interview. I noted the concern about the “Boniface Institute” earlier, but at 1:30:00 he says that he wants to use the Boniface Institute to create a “European network of people” in the Church who can speak up and “take action” about incidents such as this in the Church.

This idea of creating “networks” of people who can be “called up” to “take action” is reminiscent of the political and military groups created by American and German intelligence after World War II. These programs, referred to as “stay-behinds” by the US, “Gladio” in Italy, “Absalon” in Denmark, “Kontrgrilla” in Turkey and many other names, all operated on the principle of being unofficial intellectual, social, or military outfits of the governments whose purpose was to respond to Communist activism and in the case of a Soviet invasion, to stall them until the Western powers could respond. Many times, these groups were used to also foment terrorism in order to delegitimize or destroy communist targets in Western Europe or the Soviet bloc.

As the interview was finishing up, Tschuguell speaks of European medieval culture as the highest culture that was ever reached upon earth, and then says “give me an army, and I will give you the possibility to use all of that again- I don’t mean an army of guns right now- I mean mostly an army of Catholics standing next to each other” (1:39:20-1:40:20).

What concerns me is how he quickly seems to mitigate his language to place it into a religious context of an “army of Catholics” who are “praying their rosaries”, yet how at the exact same time he said that he did not mean using guns and violence “right now”- as though he was meaning that they would be used later. The fact remains that one cannot divorce his words from his history since college of working with in an official political context and supporting German Nationalists and supporters of National Socialism, or the fact that Germany has a long history of violence against her neighbors in the name of nationalism or nationalist causes.

What is to be made of all this data gathered?

It is clear that there is much more to Tschuguell than just throwing an idol into the Tiber River. The more one looks into him, the more questions come up, and not just questions of minor interest, but serious political connections to major individuals and groups who have spent decades supporting National Socialism or National Socialist causes.

This is not just a matter of “Catholics” responding to an evil in their Church that is visibly coming from the “left” wing, but also the same evils in the “right” wing but in a different context.

The Pachamama may be evil, but there is always a temptation to follow political idols, or to support individuals because of a single good thing that one has done. However, one must be very careful about giving immediate and massive support to anybody because of a single action, and then making entire judgments about that person based on a particular incident without considering the larger context of what may be happening.

I will leave you with a simple story to consider.

Years ago, Ted of came out very hard against the sodomites who have infiltrated the Catholic Church. Instead of support, Ted was met with scorn from many people in Catholic media, not the least of which was Gary Michael Voris, the founder of Church Militant. Other people simply did not want to talk to him, and they just ignored him or did not attempt to promote his work. Likewise, the Protestant world treated him the same, and certainly not a single “Orthodox Christian” stood up in a similar context to support him even though he was receiving a substantial amount of media attention.

Ted is also not a newcomer. He has been involved in writing and public work for many years, and has an additional platform due to the influence of his father and the founder of, our very own Walid Shoebat. Yet even this could not get him promoted to serious levels of influence as it concerns the sodomite issue.

Now it is 2019, and a man who says he is a convert to the Catholic Faith of an unknown background and who has openly worked with National Socialist supporters and parties associated with National Socialism does a single public deed that is notably good, at least in a superficial way. Yet he is promoted all over Catholic media, including by the pederast-supporting Gary Michael Voris, and other major figures in Catholic media.

What does this tell you about not merely the “state” of media, but perhaps the agenda of those promoting him? Likewise, what does it mean that (I have yet to see anybody else at the current time) nobody has given a serious analysis of Tschuguell’s connections but instead continues to promote him?

Would Ted have received the same treatment? Or would people have sat back and called him a “terrorist” and made racialist comments against him about “returning to his Palestinian roots”?

Likewise, could it be that in spite of how evil the Pachamama idol truly is, that their is perhaps an even greater evil bubbling beneath the surface right now in the form of a revival of German pagan militarism which has been warning of?

Think about it. Also, remember that just as in the media, whatever somebody is presenting to the public, no matter how important or serious it is, one must also watch what the “other hand” is doing, for many times that is more insidious or damaging than what one is seeing happen publicly.


Jesus Christ is King

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