Jesus' Coming Back

Rioters In Chile Attack Church, Deface A Statue of Christ, Burn Christian Statues And Paint Pentagrams Inside The Church. They Also Attack An Evangelical Church And Burn A Cathedral

By Theodore Shoebat

So the price of the subway ticket goes up in Chile, and what is the logic of many of the protesters? Burn down churches!

Rioters in Chile attacked a church, the Parish of the Assumption, entering the sanctuary and destroying the icons. They took statues of Jesus, brought them outside of the sanctuary and burned them. They also set ablaze furniture from the parish. According to one report:

Around 75,000 people took to the streets in Santiago on Friday as part of ongoing anti-government protests in Chile. Local press reported the mostly peaceful demonstration as the second-largest since the protests broke out three weeks ago.

Hooded protesters also looted a Roman Catholic church in Santiago near the main site of the demonstration. They reportedly dragged statues of Jesus and furniture out onto the street and burned them.

Thousands gathered at Santiago’s Plaza Italia square, where they chanted and held banners. Smoke billowed from the campus of a nearby university, where protesters started a fire.

Police had previously set up barricades in front of the university to attempt to limit damage.

There is footage of them destroying icons from the church, like something from the French Revolution:

You can see what the rioters did inside of the church: they sprayed upside crosses and pentagrams:

There are also a series of photos of the attack that you can see here:

The Apostolic Administrator of Santiago de Chile, Mons. Celestino Aós, expressed his outrage of the attack, recounting:

“Our Catholic temple in the parish of La Asunción, was ransacked yesterday afternoon, removed their benches and other belongings to be burned, the walls were scratched with slogans and insults, the sacred images were shattered

For the victims, for all of us who suffer, we implore the protection of the Virgin Mary. I propose that tomorrow Sunday in all our communities at the end of the Mass or when celebrating the Month of Mary, three Hail Mary are prayed imploring the forgiveness of our sins because violence and injustice are offenses to God and our brothers and I propose that each one of you, or each community, commits itself to solidarity action. At his side there are people who are suffering, who are in need of company and help.”

They also attacked an Evangelical church in Santiago in late October of 2019. In fact, there has been a huge problem with attacks on churches in Chile, especially in the area of La Araucanía where numerous churches have been attacked in the first six months of 2019. The problem has been so horrendous that the government of La Araucania pledged 1.4 billion pesos for repairs. As a report from Bibio Chile reads:

1.4 billion pesos would be approved to begin the reconstruction of churches that were destroyed in incendiary attacks registered in La Araucanía.

To date, more than 40 churches have been damaged , mostly Catholic chapels and about a dozen evangelical temples. So far the replenishment process has not started, since it is waiting for the designation and approval of resources.

In late October of 2019 they also set on fire a cathedral, the Church of the Sacramentines (Iglesia Sacramentinos):

The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, has affirmed that there are international forces behind the protests and rioting, but he did not get into any specifics. As we read in a report from Cooperativa:

The President Sebastian Pinera said the possible responsibility of “foreign government intervention” in the acts of violence that have erupted since the protests began three weeks ago Chile.

The President, in conversation with the Spanish newspaper El País , said that in these weeks ” we have seen a wave of violence, of destruction, caused by organized criminal groups . 

When asked about the origin of these groups, Piñera said that “they are from different backgrounds. I believe that today there is something new, different from what we had a month ago, but I need evidence to be able to affirm it.”

To these groups, he added, “add traditional crime, drug trafficking, anarchists and many more. They showed a willingness to destroy everything, without respecting anything or anyone .”

“Do you suspect agents of adverse regimes to your Government?”, Asked El País to which Piñera replied: ” I do not discard anything. I have received a lot of information, some of it of external origin, which states that there was intervention from foreign governments here . But I want to be prudent, we have delivered that information to the Prosecutor’s Office, which is the one that by mandate of the law must investigate crimes in Chile. “

We will be researching more on the situation in Chile and try to ascertain more information on who is behind this chaos. What we can say for certain now is that this violence and disarray is the result of the mob taking advantage of one grievance of the people — in this case raised ticket prices — for an evil cause of anti-Christianity. This is the inevitable result of mobbish ways. In the words of Joseph de Maistre: “But of all monarchies, the hardest, most despotic, and most intolerable is King People.”


Jesus Christ is King

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