Jesus' Coming Back

Malaysian Pastor’s Vehicle Abduction Caught on Camera as Thousands Petition to Find Him

(Fox News) A pastor believed to have been abducted because he shared his Christian faith with Muslims in a country enforcing a strict Islamic code — and whose 2017 kidnapping was caught in chilling footage — is the subject of a new petition urging the Malaysian government to send Raymond Koh back to his family.

Pastor Koh was abducted in a 40-second operation during which his captors nabbed him while he was driving in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia in February 2017. CCTV footage shows his car swiftly boxed in by a convoy of black SUVs and motorcycles before several men jump out and run to Koh. After a flurry of activity, the convoy moves on with his car.

“We miss him a lot,” the pastor’s wife, Susanna, told Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Radio. “The hardest part is not knowing where he is, what happened to him, and how he is doing right now.”

VOM, a group focused on Christian persecution around the world, believes Koh’s abduction was connected to rumors he evangelized Muslims — a crime under the Southeast Asian nation’s strict Islamic legal code.

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