Jesus' Coming Back

Salvation Army Confirms Ellie Goulding Will Still Perform at NFL Halftime Show: ‘We’re Committed to Serving Anyone in Need’

Salvation Army Confirms Ellie Goulding Will Still Perform at NFL Halftime Show: ‘We’re Committed to Serving Anyone in Need’

After saying she would cancel her halftime show at the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Day game if the Salvation Army didn’t make a pledge to the LGBTQ community, singer Ellie Goulding said late this week that she would perform at the halftime show.

“We’d like to thank Ellie Goulding and her fans for shedding light on misconceptions and encouraging others to learn the truth about The Salvation Army’s mission to serve all, without discrimination,” a statement from the Salvation Army. “We applaud her for taking the time to learn about the services we provide to the LGBT community. Regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity, we’re committed to serving anyone in need.”

As Christian Headlines previously reported, Goulding had threatened to pull out of the show after fans said the Salvation Army discriminates against the LGBTQ community.

“I have reached out to The Salvation Army and said that I would have no choice but to pull out unless they very quickly make a solid, committed pledge or donation to the LGBTQ community,” Goulding wrote on her Instagram.

“I am a committed philanthropist as you probably know, and my heart has always been in helping the homeless, but supporting an anti-LGBTQ charity is clearly not something I would ever intentionally do. Thank you for drawing my attention to this.”

The Christian-based Salvation Army, however, said the nonprofit does not discriminate against the LGBTQ community.

“Any person who comes through our doors will receive assistance based on their need and our capacity to help,” the statement said. “The only requirement to receive service is to demonstrate need and abide by the rules and regulations set forth by The Salvation Army in order to maintain a safe and constructive environment.

“While we recognize that not everyone agrees with our stance on all of these issues, we have demonstrated a consistent ability over the years to work with and alongside individuals and organizations that may not always be in agreement with our theology,” it said.

The annual Thanksgiving Day football game is also the “Red Kettle Kickoff,” which raises money and promotes the Salvation Army’s holiday kettle campaign.

H/T: Christian Post

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Mike Coppola/Staff


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