Jesus' Coming Back

Democrats Flipped From “Quid Pro Quo” To “Bribery” Because A ‘Focus Group’ Told Them To

Something to bear in mind the next time Pelosi starts burbling about how “prayerful” this process has been for them.

Apparently Jesus told her to start focus-grouping battleground states to find the way forward.

Chris Wallace passed along the info to Fox viewers this morning..

Chris Wallace on “how political” impeachment is: House Dems changed messaging after focus group
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 15, 2019

…and WaPo reported on it last night:

Several Democrats have stopped using the term “quid pro quo,” instead describing “bribery” as a more direct summation of Trump’s alleged conduct.

The shift came after the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee conducted focus groups in key House battlegrounds in recent weeks, testing messages related to impeachment. Among the questions put to participants was whether “quid pro quo,” “extortion” or “bribery” was a more compelling description of Trump’s conduct. According to two people familiar with the results, which circulated among Democrats this week, the focus groups found “bribery” to be most damning. The people spoke on the condition of anonymity because the results have not been made public.

Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.), a House Intelligence Committee member, kicked off the effort to retire “quid pro quo” from the Democratic vocabulary during a Sunday appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” where he said “it’s probably best not to use Latin words” to explain Trump’s actions.

Read the rest from Allahpundit HERE.

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