Jesus' Coming Back

Pelosi: ‘I Find It a Waste of My Time’ to Respond to Republicans — I Won’t Dignify ‘Their Misrepresentations’

On Sunday’s broadcast of CBS’s “Face The Nation,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said it was a “waste of time” to respond to Republican remarks on impeachment.

Pelosi said, “I really have a real discomfort level of responding to what Republicans say because they are in denial about what has happened in the country. So if you want to ask me about where we’re going on this, I’m happy to respond to that. But I find it a waste of my time and yours to just be talking about what Republicans say.”

She continued, “Let their arguments stand because there’s so much quicksand that I don’t even want to have it given any more visibility by my dignifying any of their misrepresentations of what they say.”

She added, “I say to everybody else, I’m not here to talk about what they say because they’re not facing the reality of what is happening to our country. And this is about our democracy that is at risk with this president in the White House.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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