Jesus' Coming Back

Colorado Woman Who Tossed Newborn Over Fence Onto Neighbor’s Deck Sentenced to Life in Prison

HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. — A Colorado woman who tossed her newborn daughter over the fence — who then landed on the neighbor’s back porch and was later discovered by the neighbor’s dog — has been sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty of first-degree murder.

“This tiny baby was smothered by her mother, flung over a neighbor’s fence and left to die by the only human she had ever known,” Chief Deputy District Attorney Christopher Gallo lamented in court this week, according to local television station WGHP. “This defendant hurled her newborn 11 feet over an 8-foot fence, knowingly consigning her to her death. This little girl died in the cold without the dignity of even a name.”

As previously reported, Camille Wasinger-Konrad, 25, claims she didn’t know she was pregnant in January 2018 until she woke up with painful cramps and “[t]he baby just came out.”

Prosecutors state that Wasinger-Konrad then covered the baby’s mouth so her landlord’s family wouldn’t hear the crying and carried the child into the back yard, where, after 10 minutes of deliberation, she threw the newborn over a nine-foot fence into the neighbor’s yard.

Fox 31 Denver reports that police testified that blood smears indicate that the baby apparently bounced off a railing on the neighbor’s deck and the back of a chair before landing on the deck.

“I just got rid of it,” Wasinger-Konrad allegedly told detectives.

The neighbor told authorities that she went out to her deck later that day to use the hot tub and saw her dog sniffing what looked like a baby. She immediately brought the dead child inside, umbilical cord still attached, and called 911.

Police searched the area and found a bloodied shower curtain in a garbage can outside the home where Wasinger-Konrad lived.

Douglas County Detective Adam Moorman told reporters that he spoke to Wasinger-Konrad, but she acted at first as if he didn’t know why he was there. When asked if her DNA would match the baby found on the neighbor’s deck, Wasinger-Konrad allegedly replied, “Well, the thing is that I don’t want to get in trouble.”

She then admitted the truth, explaining what she had done.

Wasinger-Konrad was arrested and charged with first degree murder and tampering with evidence.

“Of all the many emotions of the magical first moments of a baby’s life, of all the many tender moments a mother shared in that first embrace with a completely helpless and fragile life, smothering a newborn, and pitching its body over a fence in the cold of January is impossible to understand,” District Attorney George Brauchler remarked in a press release.

“Who are we as a people that someone among us has such disregard for the most innocent of lives — a life they helped create? Disgusting.”

Colorado has a safe haven law that allows mothers to safely surrender their newborns to a local fire station or hospital without prosecution.

“As of March 2016, 51 babies have been safely relinquished in Colorado,” a site dedicated to the cause outlines.


As previously reported, in an introductory lecture to his course on obstetrics in 1854, Philadelphia doctor Hugh Lennox Hodge lamented that even the mothers of his day were lacking of natural affection toward their own children and sought out means to kill them.

“They seem not to realize that the being within them is indeed animate, that is, in verity, a human being—body and spirit—that it is of importance, that its value is inestimable, having reference to this world and the next,” he said. “They act with as much indifference as if the living, intelligent, immortal existence lodged within their organs were of no more value than the bread eaten, or the common excretions of the system.”

“We can bear testimony that in some instances, the woman who has been well educated, who occupies high stations in society, whose influence over others is great, and whose character has not been impugned, will deliberately resort to any and every measure which may effectively destroy her unborn offspring,” Hodge sorrowed.

“[S]he recklessly and boldly adopts measures, however severe and dangerous, for the accomplishment of her unnatural, her guilty purpose … that she may be delivered of [a child] for which she has no desire, and whose birth and appearance she dreads.”

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