Jesus' Coming Back

Chin Pastor Abducted in Myanmar Released

(International Christian Concern) International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that Pastor U Maung Maung, who was abducted last month along with 57 others by the Arakan Army (AA) in Rakhine State, Myanmar, was released on Nov. 5.

The pastor from the Chin ethnic group, a minority group in Rakhine State that is primarily Christian, was abducted on October 26 while he was travelling with his wife and his infant on a boat between Sittwe and Buthidaung. While his wife and sick daughter were allowed to leave, the male passengers were kept by the AA.

A local pastor who requested to remain anonymous told ICC that although Pastor U Maung Maung was released, “AA threatens that if he dares to share any information to the government with regards to what happened to him during his abduction, they will make his life very difficult; his family can face danger as well.”

“AA said they will come and arrest him if he releases any information,” another pastor added. “He wasn’t tortured that much, but he is traumatized.”

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