Jesus' Coming Back

Ex-Democrat Rep. Katie Hill Won’t Rule Out Return to Politics

Appearing Friday on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time, former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA), who recently resigned amid a House Ethics Committee investigation into her alleged relationships with staffers, said she won’t rule out running for public office in the future.

A partial transcript is as follows: 

CHRISTOPHER CUOMO: [Alyssa Milano] is supporting you. She’s saying that you are giving cover to people who make the wrong decisions, because [your resignation] is not the way it would have gone if it were a man, so you’re reinforcing the wrong dynamic, you should have stayed and fought.

KATIE HILL: Oh, no, no. I don’t think it’s reinforcing it. If anything, it’s saying “this is what the standard should be,” right? This is the standard we should hold everybody to. I think what I have to figure out is what is my next move is to ensure that the lessons that are learned from what happened to me are not ones that can be repeated. Cyber-exploitation is something that is relatively new. It has not been touched on a federal level in terms of laws that are going to address the issue. It’s something I heard about from young women over and over again. Even at that point, I didn’t fully understand. But, I think it’s something we’re going to have to take on in a meaningful way and I hope my experience can lend to that effort.

CUOMO: Will you run again?

HILL: I’m not writing anything off. I’m not running anytime soon, I can tell you that much. I’m supporting the person who is running to replace me, Christy Smith, with everything that I’ve got.

CUOMO: But politics, it could very well be in your future? You’re not giving me a no?

HILL: I’m not giving you a no.


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