Jesus' Coming Back

Iraqi Defense Minister Busted In Text Message Asking To Sodomize Swedish Man, Says “I Want To F*ck You, S*x, S*x, S*x” And “I Like Your *ss”

Sweden has established herself as a country defined by a hatred of God and religion, a worship of government, authority, and race, and a place where bizarre sexual perversities and especially the sin of Sodom are practically enthroned as a veritable sacred practice. However, an interesting story just was exposed as Iraq’s Defense Minister Najah Al-Shammari, while on visit out of the country, attempted to solicit a young Swedish man in his 20’s for sex. Interestingly, it was the Swedish man who declined persistently and the Defense Minister, a married man, who insisted, sending vulgar texts such as “I want to f*ck you s*x s*x s*x” and “I like your ass.”

The young Swedish male, in his 20’s, refused the sex invites sent from Najah al-Shammari, Defense Minister of Iraq. Despite rejection, the high ranked Iraqi politician, and former general, kept pursuing a sex date. His text messages were later discovered by his wife, leading to a marriage crisis. ”I like your a**”, said al-Shammari in a text message to the young male.

The Defense Minister of Iraq, Najah al-Shammari, is a Swedish citizen since 2015, registered as a resident in a suburb of Stockholm, and receiving Swedish welfare.

Nyheter Idag is now able to reveal new details about al-Shammari.

When al-Shammari’s wife searched the mobile phone of her husband, the Defense Minister, she found several text messages with sexual content, sent to a young Swedish male in his 20’s.

”I was at work outside Sweden”, says one of the messages from the Defense Minister. It’s followed by several lewd messages.

Al-Shammari tells the young male how he’s just back from a trip abroad and wants to meet for sex. The male refuses, but al-Shammari keeps insisting.

”You my love”, writes al-Shammari. ”And meet sex sex sex I love you”, he continues.

The young Swede tells the Iraqi Defense Minister he’s not interested.

”i am not your love”, adding: ”Sorry”.

Further, he tells al-Shammari, nowadays he has a girlfriend.

Al-Shammari doesn’t budge, however. He keeps on courting the young male.

”Can you meet for sex?”, al-Shammari asks. To which the Swede answers: ”and she is my love and me her love”.

Al-Shammari seemingly doesn’t notice.

”I want to f**k you sex sex sex”, he writes.

The young Swede answers, ”Are you mad?”, followed, in capitals, ”I HAVE GIRLFRIEND”.

Not even this will stop the sex crazed Defense Minister.

”I like your ass”, writes al-Shammari.

Nyheter Idag has called the phone number where the text messages are directed. A young man answers, but refuses to acknowledge the name which is mentioned in the police investigation documents.

In two other text messaging conversations in Arabic, which the wife also turned in to the police, the tone is somewhat more somber. (source)

Homosexuality is rightly frowned upon highly in the Middle East at large still, especially by comparison with the rest of the world. This is a good thing. However, it is also known that a lot of homosexuality still does take place in secret. One should never forget that the word “sodomite” comes from that infamous place and her sister cities, which were located in the Middle East.

Likewise, one has to wonder what the public reaction will be in the Middle East, especially within Iraq. Will there be calls made against him? Or will he be supported similar to what happens with people in the contemporary western work who engage in sodomite activity?

This is yet to be seen, but the minister is clearly upset and threatening to sue the newspaper for publishing the story.

It will be interesting, and certainly of note to see how this case progresses.


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