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President Trump Set to Spurn Impeachment Hearing, White House Says

The White House cast serious doubt Wednesday on the likelihood of President Trump participating in next week’s House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing, saying the president has done “nothing wrong.”

In a statement, press secretary Stephanie Grisham said the White House is reviewing the offer to participate from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler, New York Democrat.

“But what is obvious to every American is that this letter comes at the end of an illegitimate sham partisan process,” Ms. Grisham said. “The president has done nothing wrong and the Democrats know it.”

Mr. Nadler sent the letter to Mr. Trump late Tuesday as he announced that the Judiciary Committee will hold its first impeachment hearing on Dec. 4. He said the focus will be on the Constitution’s definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors” as the standard for impeachment, and later will delve into Mr. Trump’s actions involving military aid to Ukraine.

The president will be traveling back to the U.S. on Dec. 4 after two days of meetings in London.

Mr. Trump said at a rally in Florida on Tuesday night that he is blameless in the impeachment probe. He reiterated that he never demanded Ukraine conduct investigations that could benefit him politically in return for the U.S. military aid.

“I have never had a direct link between investigations and security assistance,” the president told supporters. “You know what it means — it means we did zero. We did nothing wrong.”

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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