Jesus' Coming Back

Vietnamese Man Used to Worship a ‘Devil god’ — Now He Follows Jesus

(Open Doors USA) When Choj and his wife married, she was living in a village with mostly Christians. But it was their daughter that led Choj to Christ. Or, more specifically, his daughter’s sickness.

“I don’t know what her illness is called,” he explains. “But she came down with a high fever and had a severe headache. It became worse. She fell asleep and didn’t wake up for three days.”

Choj was used to sacrificing pigs and chickens to the gods. (The Hmong often sacrifice animals to ward off the bad spirit believed to cause the illness.) But he never felt like the gods he worshiped were on his side; they never seemed to help him. In desperation, he went to the local shaman, asking what he needed to do to heal his daughter. The shaman was little help.

“He told me I needed to sacrifice a big goat and a red dog,” Choj remembers. “I had goats, but where was I going to find a red dog?”

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