Jesus' Coming Back

Is A ‘Strategy Of Tension’ Coming Into Form Right Now At A Major Catholic Church In Vienna?

St. Stephan’s Cathedral, known as Stefansplatz, is a major Catholic church at the center of Vienna. As one who visited there many years ago, the church building is formidable, and many people visit it, but sadly, from what I saw, it is perceived more as a museum than a sacred place of worship which it rightly is. This has not been helped by the Austrian people, many who have no religion, those who if they are “Catholic” are nominal at best, and many of those who do go to Church are tied to unhealthy groups or have unhealthy ideas about politics. Certainly there are good people who seek to do what is morally right, but the state of the Church in Austria is a complete mess.

However, this November 30th, the cathedral, and by the permission of the Cardinal, will host a massive pro-LGBT event.

Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schönborn is yet again allowing a pro-LGBT benefit concert to take place in Vienna’s St. Stephen’s Catholic Cathedral.

This is the third time Vienna’s Archbishop has allowed the “LIFE+” association to use the cathedral as a venue for the World AIDS Day charity concert that will take place on Saturday, Nov. 30.

The event last year, which the Cardinal attended, featured a shirtless actor known for playing homosexual roles standing on the altar rail, loud rock and electronic music, and actors dressed as demons.

This year, Austria’s infamous drag queen “Conchita Wurst,” who won worldwide fame when he represented his nation at the 2014 Eurovision contest, is one of a number of performers scheduled to appear at the “Believe Together” fundraiser in Vienna’s 14th-century mother church. The cathedral show, titled “The Yearning for the Angels…,” will be the main event among 15 being held across Vienna on November 30 to raise money for AIDS relief projects.

The organizer of the event, homosexual activist Gery Keszler, thanked the cardinal when he announced the show.

“We are very grateful for the trust placed in us by Cardinal Schönborn,” he said.

Keszler is particularly eager for this year’s concert to be a success, for his annual fundraising “Life Ball” has been discontinued, resulting in the loss of up to 500,000 Euros to Viennese AIDs and HIV charities, he said.

The show is being co-sponsored by the Knights of Malta of Austria.

A source in Vienna told LifeSiteNews that “Cardinal Christoph Schönborn intends to desecrate St. Stephen’s Cathedral with homosexualist abominations again.”

“A certain Mr. Gery Keszler is organizer of the blasphemous ‘life-ball’, a homosexualist fund-raising event – and orgy. Presently, he has run out of money. He is a close friend of Cardinal Schönborn,” the source said.

Alexander Tschugguel, who removed Pachamama pagan idols from a church in Rome during the Amazon Synod, told LifeSiteNews that Austrian Catholics “really don’t like the cathedral being used to promote the LGBT cause.”

Tschugguel, who lives in Austria, underscored that the LIFE+ events ultimately give Austria’s most prominent LGBT activists a pulpit in the Catholic cathedral.

“Keszler is one of the main LGBT activists in Austria,” Tschugguel said. “He is one of the big faces because of his Life Ball.” (source)

What makes this event even more interesting is that this church, as noted in the article above, is also tied to Alexander Tschugguel and his March for Life activities.

Recall that in early November 2019, I wrote an article questioning the ties of Tschugguel, who gained international fame in the Catholic world by “dunking” the Pachamama idols. I noted that there were many questions about him that either were unanswered, or that needed an answer because there was enough of an ambiguity to suggest, lacking proper clarification, direct connections to people and groups with inherently anti-Catholic ideas, especially those backing paganism, Germanic supremacy, and even National Socialism.

After we published our article asking these critical questions that nobody in the Catholic world dared to ask, Tschugguel immediately contacted us and demanded it get taken down. We eventually had a phone conversation with him, and what we were able to come away with is that he directly refused to condemn the Austrian Identitarian Movement (IBO), a movement founded by National Socialists that promotes Germanic paganism, when he was asked if he would.

I don’t say these things out of any hatred of Mr. Tschugguel, but rather awareness of what is happening, for his refusal to condemn an openly pro-pagan organization after he made his fame as a Catholic man who threw a few tiny pagan idols in the Tiber river raises many questions. One would think that, if he was truly interested in condemning paganism, he would have gladly condemned the IBO as it would be consistent with his presumed views about Christianity.

Tschugguel leads the March for Life in Austria, and as the days following the “Pachamama tossing” and our subsequent article about him, Tschugguel went on to found the “Saint Boniface Institute”, and to fly around the US and Europe stopping to make speeches or visit New York, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Forth Worth, and London before returning to Austria. It was also noted that Tschugguel’s visits overlapped with persons of a group that he admits he has been a part of for at least a decade, and that is the TFP. The acronym, which means ‘Tradition, Family, Property’, is an organization from Brazil with a branch in the US dedicated to promoting anti-communism and Catholic traditionalism. CIA archived documents show that the TFP has been in contact with the CIA since at least 1975, and there are at least two direct documents pertaining to contact between them and the CIA.

It is our natural suspicion that Tschugguel is the face of something in Austria and Europe whose purpose, while on the surface may seem good, is being oriented towards realizing US geopolitical goals on the continent, which since the end of World War II has been the promoting of anti-communism by means of supporting ultra-nationalism, including National Socialism, as well as paganism and even sodomite activity. For all of the problems that the KGB caused in the Catholic Church for decades and has been documented in detail, there is the other side of these problems, and that is as the Catholic writer E. Michael Jones describes it, the influence of a “CIA Catholicism” where well-meaning people in the Church, in their attempts to fight the evils of communism, intentionally or not compromised their own tenets of Faith and realized the same evils that communism promoted but by the reverse means.

Tschugguel posted on Facebook that he plans to hold a rosary rally in front of the cathedral as a response. Now I am not going to say that Tschugguel saying a rosary in front of the cathedral or telling other people to do so is a bad thing. This is rather a very good thing, and there need to be more Catholic people doing this. In fact, it is an encouraging sign, in spite of all the bad things that are happening, that Catholic people, especially those under 35, would stand up in any sort of public solidarity for the Faith amid a blatant evil.

What needs to be questioned is the context and motivation behind what he is doing, the event taking place at this exact location, and how it fits into his past actions.

It is a proven fact, for example, that the CIA and other governments intentionally sow tension in society by supporting two polar opposite causes to unnatural ends in order to cause chaos and then from the chaos, attempt to control and shape public opinion. Right now in the Catholic Church, there is a tremendous problem due to the admission of sodomites into the ranks of the clergy, who have assumed positions of power and have used them to abuse children and then attempt to cover themselves. Likewise, there is also a growing cadre of younger Catholics, most of them associated with the political “right”, who are opposing this evil.

Now it is a moral imperative to oppose the sin of Sodom. However, the tension created between these two groups- the pro-sodomites and the anti-sodomites -can be used to capture the “strategy of tension” mentioned above and be used to advance social control.

As such, it is very interesting that Cardinal Schonborn is going to have this major pro-sodomite event at this church, which is at the same time a place associated with so much of Tschugguel’s work.

Is there an actual plot taking place here? The fact is that no proof exists to substantiate this. In fact, it would be wrong to definitively say that there is. All that we can do is to point this out that it seems to be a curious inconsistency at a time when a major social issue that polarizes people in the Catholic Church is going to make a massive public scene at a place where the two main opposing groups will be put face-to-face against each other. Given how one of these groups has known ties to nationalist movements that are known to have a history of ties to intelligence operations in various forms, it is only natural for a person to ask if there is something more taking place here that one does not see but is absolutely present.

The truth is always said to be stranger than fiction, and while one does not know what the “facts” are in this situation, what we can say is that there is no fiction about the actions, the persons involved, or the history of said like actions that took place in past times and later were revealed to have nefarious ties for a greater overall purpose.


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