Jesus' Coming Back

‘James 1:27 Became My Mandate’: Mississippi Pastor and Wife Embody Foster, Adoption Ministry

NETTLETON, Miss. (Monroe Journal) Wes and Elizabeth Stephens, who pastor Jones Chapel Baptist Church, not only have a heart for adoption, they are living examples of turning their home into a welcoming shelter for foster children and an adopted son. …

The Stephens’ happy brood of six includes their two biological children, one who has been adopted and three currently in foster care.

“We had talked about adoption before we ever married. Elizabeth was told that she couldn’t carry a child to term,” Wes said.

The Stephens lost their first baby to miscarriage, but with extensive medical help and much bed rest were able to parent two healthy children.

“Before we started the adoption process, I studied scripture to find the mind of God,” Wes said. “James 1:27 became my mandate – ‘Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction …’”

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