Jesus' Coming Back

Australian Woman Advised to Abort Baby With Terminal Condition, Child Born Completely Healthy

BRISBANE — A mother in Australia is crying tears of joy as her newborn baby girl was born perfectly healthy after medical tests had previously shown that the child had a terminal brain condition, resulting in doctors recommending an abortion.

Brisbane Birth Photography shared Dinah DeRegt’s story on Dec. 3, stating that everyone was in “shock” over the outcome of the situation as they had been told to prepare for the worst.

“We literally saw the diagnosis. We spoke with multiple doctors and specialists in depth. We were referred to the pallative care team to ‘plan,’” wrote doula and photographer Serena Rollason. “And on multiple occasions, even I was asked if I knew what I was in for and prepared myself for the journey that I was about to undertake as a doula supporting this family.”

Rollason explained that the baby had been diagnosed with Pontocerebellar hypoplasia (PCH), a genetic condition in which the cerebellum and the pons in the brain are abnormally small. Fluid on the brain was also seen in MRI scans. Doctors estimated that the child would live anywhere from a few hours to young adulthood.

“The family was told to ‘terminate’ the pregnancy, as there is no cure. There is no ‘fix.’ There is no answer,” Rollason outlined.

But on Dec. 2, baby Brianna was born completely healthy, and doctors could not find any of the conditions previously detected while in the womb.

“The initial diagnostic symptoms she had have miraculously disappeared and she was cleared of the condition after passing a million and one tests — from eye scans, to renal tests, to ultrasounds and even a brain MRI,” Rollason joyed. “I would not have believed this had I not attended the last scan and witnessed the examination of the brain and saw the fluid with my own two eyes.”

She said that there wasn’t any “explanation” for the change, but that everyone is in shock and shedding “big happy tears.”

Followers of the Brisbane Birth Photography Facebook page likewise cheered the news, with some sharing their own stories of misdiagnoses or miraculous intervention.

“I was told after an ultrasound 33 years ago that my twin babies had Hydrocephalus and to terminate my pregnancy at 20 weeks. I refused. Two weeks later another ultrasound was performed, and hey presto, there was no evidence of this,” one woman wrote. “Doctors are not gods, that’s for sure. They’re human and they make mistakes, except they can be deadly mistakes at times.”

“[With] my 3rd baby, I was told had a high chance of Down syndrome, and then I had tested positive for parvo virus and was having an ultrasound every 2 weeks to monitor fluid on the brain. There was also worry about his limbs being shorter, so it was a very stressful pregnancy,” another recalled. “Then I had shoulder dystocia during birth and [the baby] was born blue and not breathing. But he was fine — totally healthy — didn’t need to got to NICU or anything! Truly a blessing!”

“I too was told to terminate as our daughter would only live for an hour. I couldn’t do it, I wanted to meet her, hold her, love on her even if it was just for an hour; she was still my baby girl,” a third shard. “She’s now 14 — almost 15, and was born with none of the medical conditions they said she would have. May you continue to be blessed with her life knowing there’s a plan and purpose for her being here.”

Many of the commenters gave glory to God and/or wondered “how many babies have been aborted for similar reasons [who] may also have been born healthy.”

View the post in full here. 

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