Jesus' Coming Back

Persecuted Pastor Counts the Cost of Ministry Among India’s Unreached

Photo Credit: Amol Nandiwadekar/Pexels

(International Christian Concern) “All of the sudden, my life, family, and church were broken into pieces,” Pastor Tukaram Chavan, age 32, told International Christian Concern (ICC). “It was hard to take. I was not expecting that something of this sort would take place. However, I remember the commitment I made to God when I came to full-time ministry. I counted the costs of serving the Lord and know that He will lead me through these challenges.”

On Nov. 3, a mob of more than 200 radical Hindu nationalists attacked Tukaram’s independent church in the district of Bagalkot, located in India’s Karnataka State. As a result, Tukaram was hospitalized with serious injuries to his eyes. Now that he is out of the hospital, Pastor Tukaram is still trying to put together the pieces of his life and ministry.

Recalling the November attack, Tukaram said, “An aggressive crowd of nearly 15 radicals climbed up the stairs to the second floor where more than 100 Christians were worshiping. They broke into the worship hall and without a word they started to beat everyone in the congregation.”

“The radicals then dragged me down the stairs where a large crowd of over 200 were waiting for me,” Tukaram continued. “Again, I was beaten brutally.”

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