Jesus' Coming Back

It’s Friday The Thirteenth For The EU As UK’s Johnson Deals A ‘Historic Loss’ For Labor

In the Western world, the thirteenth day of the month falling on a Friday is considered a popular omen of bad luck. There are several variants for explaining why this is, but according to a 2004 article, tens of millions of Americans intentionally avoid certain activities, such as flying, because of the superstitions associated with the day.

Right now, the European continent has been undergoing a struggle between those who want to keep the European Union versus those who want to take a more nationalistic approach. Ted and I and many others have noted that while the EU certainly has serious faults, a nationalistic Europe would not bring more peace, but would lead to war because it would create a power vacuum that Germany would immediately attempt to fill, and given that she is already the economic powerhouse of Europe as well as is a close ally of many of her Germanic neighbors, she could easily re-militarize and attempt to do what, as history shows, she tried to do every century or two, which is to conquer and destroy Europe.

One of the major obstacles to Germany realizing her historical dream of Empire- again -is to remove the UK from the EU, and this is because the UK is largely her greatest obstacle. While she does not have the strongest military, the UK has a long history of out-witting German militaristic plans, is arguably the most “anti-German” of all the European nations, and is also the mother of her cultural cousin and extension, the United States. Separating the UK from the EU is essential to furthering the many separatist movements on the continent, such as those in Catalonia (Spain), South Tyrol (Italy), Kosovo (Serbia), and Wallonia (Belgium).

The UK “Brexit” vote was already a major victory for the nationalistic factions of Europe, but was hampered by internal political fighting in the UK, making “Brexit” seem, in true American fashion, like more of a declaration of things that people wish for rather than an actual political reality. However, another major victory came for them as Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the UK, and his Conservative Party won a sweeping victory in the recent elections, making the possibility of a true “Brexit” from a conceptual theory to a potential reality.

TRIUMPHANT Boris Johnson has returned to a hero’s reception at Downing Street after meeting the Queen as he begins his final push to “Get Brexit Done”.

The Prime Minister declared that his party has “smashed the roadblock” and “ended the gridlock” as he hailed the biggest Conservative majority since the 1980s.

He arrived at Buckingham Palace just before 11am where he met the Queen to receive royal approval to form the next government.

Mr Johnson left the Palace after a meeting which lasted more than 35 minutes, which is longer than expected.

He then returned to whoops and cheers at No10 following his historic election victory.

Boris’ snap General Election gamble paid off as he romped home with a majority of 78. St Ives was the last seat to declare just before 3pm today, with the Tories winning an increased majority there. (source) has pointed out that Brexit is going to have many consequences, such as is noted above, the opening of the potential for a serious remilitarization of Germany amid a power vacuum.

What this vote does is to give a serious shot of energy to the European nationalists. While “Brexit” is not officially completed, the fact that Johnson can survive the election and his power base can grow is the proverbial “camel under the nose of the tent,” for if such a possibility can be realized in the UK, it certainly can grow in more politically unstable regions of Europe. The issue here has nothing to do about the economics of Brexit and the possible effects on the common man, just like how the election of Trump was not about “building the wall” or “making America great again”, as many found out later, but about re-legitimizing certain forms of 19th century and early 20th century discourse and ideologies in a modern context.

It is not an accident that the same time these elections happened, the Catalan Nationalist leader Quim Torra congratulated the Scottish National Party (SNP) for her massive victories in the elections, and as media coverage of these elections continues, one will likely hear more from more nationalist leaders in praise of the results for this reason.

The German government responded that she welcomes the recent election results, and that if Brexit becomes a reality, the “door is always open” for the UK to return.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas noted that the UK poll result showed that the British Prime Minister now “has a clear mandate to bring about Brexit.”

“It is now very possible that an orderly exit will happen at the end of January,” Maas told the Funke newspaper group.

Maas underlined however that Britain could still return to the EU if it wishes to one day.

“The doors of the EU remain obviously open to Britain,” he said. (source)

However, these are the words of Merkel, NOT a future German leader. Merkel’s government is already in trouble because of massive- and intentional -government spending that has eviscerated her treasury. has warned this was being done in order to cause an economic crisis that would likely be blamed not only on the German government, but would find popular blame given to the migrants, who Germany accepted in large numbers and while causing many problems, have also been permitted and encouraged to engage in deviant behavior in order to cause social angst, which has propelled an immediate rise in Germanic nationalism throughout the nation.

If a new German leader was elected and Merkel was removed, would this person support a “return” of the UK to the EU if she really wanted to?

Would a “new leader” continue Merkel’s policies, or would he radically depart from them in order to bolster his popularity as well as the regional power of Germany in Europe?

Germany and the UK can say what they want. The reality is just like the removal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley act of 1999. The former said that retail (personal) and commercial banking had to be separated, while the latter said that in order for the US to be “competitive” with foreign banks, she needed to abolish the former. As a result, banks were now allowed to make very risky investments with people’s personal bank accounts acting as the insurance for them. This resulted in the creation of the derivatives market in 2000, which was a direct cause of the subprime mortgage crisis as banks were making high-risk loans to unqualified lendees and writing off losses by using personal accounts, which thus drained their funds and caused a financial collapse that resulted in the government bank bailout of TARP and the following Quantitative Easing programs that began at the end of 2007 and put the US economy into a period of inflation and stagnation that has yet to end.

If this is what happens with one nation’s economy, imagine putting this into a historical context but with politics, where by allowing European nations to “go their own way”, they end up creating a situation for chaos, a jungle where the “strongest” survive, and given that the strongest is already Germany, the only result can be the same as before: a new Reich, this time though with nuclear weapons, AI, and robots.

Considering all of these things, it is fitting that the election should have its victory on no other day that Friday the Thirteenth, as it is a foreshadowing of things to come.


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