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Jersey City Sergeant Hailed as Hero for Assisting Wounded Officer in Gun Battle

A Jersey City, New Jersey, police sergeant is being hailed as a hero for assisting a wounded police officer who had been shot in the shoulder while ducking for cover under a stream of gunfire.

Sgt. Majorie Jordan left her cover and raced onto the sidewalk through a sea of gunfire and wailing sirens to assist her wounded colleague and guided him around the corner to safety, according to a 17-second video clip of the incident posted to Facebook by the New Jersey PBA.

“There were so many heroes on Tuesday. Brave officers who confronted hundreds of rounds being fired at them. This video and picture captures one of those heroic moments,” the state PBA said in the Facebook post. “One Jersey City police officer responds and confronts the killers by pinning them down in the kosher grocery store. He is almost immediately shot and stumbles behind a parked car.”

“Jersey City Sergeant Majorie Jordan instinctively reacts, abandons her cover and runs into the hail of gunfire to aid the other officer who is shot in the shoulder,” the post continues. “She gets him to his feet and to safety, all the while taking heavy gunfire. The heroics of Sergeant Jordan and this officer were played out throughout the ordeal by dozens of officers.”

Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop said Thursday morning that there could have been more casualties had it not been for the quick actions of city police officers to contain the shooters to the market.

The shooting rampage began last weekend when two suspects shot Detective Joseph Seals, 49, in the head while he was investigating the murder of a car service driver.

Three more people died inside a kosher grocery store later on after two gunmen armed with high-powered rifles opened fire.


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