Jesus' Coming Back

First Brexit, Now Polexit?

Brexit was a tremendous event because it represents the removal of one of the major obstacles to Germany’s rise in Europe, which is the UK. The sixth most powerful military in the world and the greatest thorn in German political ambitions throughout modern history, the UK’s departure from the EU is a major vacuum that Germany can now fill securely.

But there is one other problem, and that is Germany’s neighbor of Poland. The Slavic nation does not really like Germany, and with good reason, because both she as well as Austria and Russia to the east have spent their histories finding ways to rip Poland and Ukraine apart before the powers often turn against each other in bloody combat. Poland severely distrusts either side and she would be a fool to trust them because she knows that both do not seek her good will. While Poland will get destroyed, she also fights back aggressively, and even if it means a lot of chaos, manages to assert herself again. This is why the symbol of Warsaw and the Polish nation is the falcon, because the falcon is a bird who rises to life again from the ashes after its death, which is the history of the Polish people. Thus while not as strong as the UK, the presence of Poland and her objections represent a second notable stumbling block to pan-Germanic desires of hegemony.

It is with great interest, therefore, that Poland is now talking about a “Polexit” sponsored by the PiS party on account of reforms which the EU wants to put upon them and which Poland does not want.

Poland could end up leaving the European Union because of plans by the ruling nationalists that would allow judges to be fired if they question the legitimacy of the government’s judicial reforms, the Supreme Court said on Tuesday.

The court said the plans could contravene European law and exacerbate existing tensions between Brussels and Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party (PiS).

“Contradictions between Polish law and EU law … will in all likelihood lead to an intervention by the EU institutions regarding an infringement of the EU treaties, and in the longer perspective (will lead to) the need to leave the European Union,” Poland’s Supreme Court said in a statement.

The EU has accused PiS of politicizing the judiciary since the party swept to power in 2015. Pis says its reforms are necessary to make the court system more efficient.

Under draft legislation now before parliament, PiS aims to prevent judges from ruling that peers, nominated by a panel appointed by the party, are not independent.

“The Commission has a very clear position on protecting the judiciary from political interference,” European Commission spokesman Christian Wigand told Reuters in response to the Supreme Court statement.

Moves by Hungary and Poland to bring their courts and media under tighter state control have led the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, to begin rule-of-law investigations that could in theory lead to a suspension of their EU voting rights.

Poland joined the EU in 2004 and public support for membership remains strong, despite the tussles between Brussels and PiS. Poland is a major beneficiary of EU funds for its farmers and infrastructure projects. (source)

Poland, as it has been noted, it a major recipient and benefactor of EU policies, albeit in varying capacities. In one sense, Poland is very exploited by German companies, who use cheaper Polish labor to maximize their own profits without providing any reinvestment into Poland save for enlarging themselves, and in this way treat the Poles similar to how the Germans did the Africans in the years before World War I, where the Tanzanian (German East Africa), Togoloese, Namibian, and Cameroonian peoples were exploited and almost nothing was contributed to them. This contrasts strongly with the French and British, for while they had their own issues as well and certainly exploited others, they did contribute a lot to their former colonies. In this sense, Poland is partially held “captive” to German corporations and economic policy.

By contrast, the Polish situation with the EU has enabled many Poles to earn more money, to travel to different areas of the EU for work, and overall to raise their standards of living. Many have migrated to the UK or other parts of the European Union, sometimes temporarily, and sometimes permanently.

There are a lot of reasons for Poland to leave the EU, especially with the decline of faith and morals that has been forced upon her by other Western European nations and the US. However, one should not attribute this wholly to the EU, for the US has a strong presence in Poland at the direct invitation of Poland because of her fear, it seems, of a Russian or German invasion. In other words, Poland already knows that in any conflict she is going to be ripped apart since this has been her history for 1500 years, and as a result, she is preparing for that by bringing in the Americans- a third party -who while they may not be perfect, they are a “stick” in the “wheel” of history, and she represents a chance for Poland if not to possibly smash, but to divert the normal course of what events would be if she was left alone.

There is no “good” option here, but the fact is that if Poland leaves the EU, it is probably the worse option because it will multiple the effects of Brexit and the current “separatist” movements taking place in Catalonia, the Balkans, and in other potentially volatile areas of Europe. While there is much to be criticized about the EU, one certainly does not want to open the doors to give free passage to the Teutonic war machine.

It has already been reported that the PiS party has refused to join initiatives lead by agent provocateur Steve Bannon, which is a good thing. At is has been noted before, nationalism in Poland generally speaking is its own variety that tends to shy away from the aggressive eugenics and racism of other European nations. However, this does not mean that such problems could not manifest, and the main reason for such not emerging is because of the strong role that the Catholic Church has played in society. It is a notable exception from Bannon, who claims to be Catholic yet associates himself with the eugenic, pagan, and racist type nationalists.

Will Poland leave the EU? That is to be seen. But if Poland does leave, her German neighbor might see this as another sign that it is her time again to continue a rise towards established a fourth reich.


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