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Fake GRU agent with crush on last Tsar detained over weapons & accused of raping own daughter he fathered with cousin ‘wife’

A seemingly respectable religious family is suspected of hiding a despicable story of domestic abuse and incestuous rape. Police have already arrested the father for stashing an illegal arsenal of firearms.

If all details about the 10-member family at the center of the story currently floating around in the media are confirmed, it may well give fodder to a horror movie script. Officials have, so far, been restrained in their reporting, but what they said is already disturbing.

On Monday evening, police went to the family home in the village of Khimozi, which is located some 30km (18.6 miles) south of St. Petersburg. They were following up on a tip from a local resident, who said she believed the head of the family has been raping his 13-year-old daughter for years. Once let inside, they reportedly discovered lots of hastily hidden illegal firearms.

Images released by investigators show the interior of the large three-story house cluttered with furniture, clothes and other household items, and enough deadly weapons to arm a small squad. Andrey, the family head, reportedly had five assault rifles, a light machine gun, two submachine guns, several handguns, thousands of rounds of ammunition and a few hand grenades.

The 46-year-old also reportedly had body armor marked “FSB” implying it belonged to the Russian Federal Security Service.

The arsenal by itself is enough to be jailed, but the police are yet to confirm whether the more serious accusation of sexual abuse was confirmed. According to the local media, both the suspected victim and her mother, Svetlana, told the police that Andrey was indeed a rapist.

If true, the horrors that happened behind the walls were well kept from the rest of the village. Locals say the house residents were a bit strange and kept their distance, but otherwise friendly and helpful. The only obviously strange thing about their property is a large cross erected in front of the house, but people in Khimozi saw it as nothing more than a sign of deep religious devotion. Inside the house, police found many religious icons – indicating that the Bible was indeed important in the household.

There are eight children in the family, including two adult men in the early 20s, four boys and two girls. Andrey is the biological father of six of them. The children were home-schooled and didn’t have much contact outside of the family, but neither were kept in isolation. Andrey, who is reportedly a big fan of Russia’s last emperor, Nikolas II, took them to historical reenactment events, where he and the kids dressed up in period costumes.

Digging through public records made things a lot weirder. Apparently Andrey started his life under a different family name, but changed it in 1997. Svetlana has the same name by birth too, because she and Andrey are cousins. Her family has not heard from her since 2000 and believed that her partner had dragged her into some kind of a religious cult. The couple reportedly had a wedding ceremony in church, but never bothered to register a marriage with the secular authorities.

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When the officers started finding guns during their first visit, Andrey claimed he had a rank of colonel and served in the Russian military intelligence, GRU. Federal agents, who were called to check if he was telling the truth, said the man had nothing to do with the intelligence community and suggested he may need medical help to treat his delusion.

What exactly life in the family looked like remains somewhat of a mystery at the moment. There were rooms for physical training and a heavily-used shooting range in the basement. The worse-case scenario is that Andrey was terrorizing his family into submission and trained them to become some sort of a militia unit under his command for purposes unknown. Hopefully the investigation will help shed some light.

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