Jesus' Coming Back

Man Sentenced To Sixteen Years In Prison For “Hate Crime” Of Destroying Flag Of Sodom

As the power of sodom becomes more of a socially accepted thing, it has become much more difficult for Christians of good will to stand up against it as fellow Christians will turn against one as well as the government will increase pressure on those who do stand up.

Recently an incident happened where a man tore down and burned a sodomite flag at a Protestant Church. He was charged with “hate crimes” and has been sentenced to sixteen years in jail.

A man has been imprisoned for burning an LGBTQ flag that was flying at a church in central Iowa.

Adolfo Martinez, 30, of Ames, was sentenced Wednesday to 15 years for the hate crime of arson and given a year for reckless use of explosives or fire and 30 days for harassment. The sentences are to be served consecutively, Story County court records said.

A jury convicted Martinez in November. He’d been arrested in June.

He’s said he tore down the flag that had been hanging from the United Church of Christ in Ames and burned it because he opposes homosexuality. (source)

I have never said that Christians need to “give up” when it comes to incident such as these. Rather, I have emphasized the need for constancy in faith for the evangelical and spiritual good of all.

However, this story illustrates a major point that I have made, which is that it is time for Christians to retreat and manage their own affairs, not because they should “give up”, but because this phase of the war is over, this battle has been lost, and it is not simply to prepare for the consequences.

The fact is that as I have pointed out, 62% of all people and 75% to 80% of people under 38 support sodomite “marriage”, and when the numbers are proportionately expanded to support of sodomite behavior considered as a general whole, those numbers likely reach 93%.

The US has chosen sodom.

There is likely more support for sodom now than there was for Probation back in 1918.

In order to prepare for the future, we must accept the inevitable that barring local influence and certain other forms of public or Internet speech, it is now a social, economic, and legal risk for people to seriously act against sodom. This is not to say that one should give up, but rather that when one does act, one must carefully pick which things one chooses to act upon and carefully think out how one is to act and then act in response to said incident appropriately and with intelligence and caution.

In the most judicious application, this was scarcely a “crime” at all, and the only reason this man was sentenced to fifteen years in jail- which is going to destroy the rest of his life -is because he stood up against the sodomites and all their defenders.

It was a “message” to Christians to “bend over” for sodom or else.

Now Christians do not have to submit to sodom. Rather, they need to know how to respond appropriately.

Remember the story of the ant and the grasshopper.

It was summertime and time to grow crops. The ant worked, but the grasshopper preferred to relax. The ant warned the grasshopper, but he did not listen. The seasons passed, and winter came, and the ant survived while the grasshopper froze to death.

This is what is going to happen in the US and around the world. A great spiritual winter is coming in the future, and one can see it clearly. There is no stopping this winter because it has been created by the sins of men, and so is calling down the justice of God to deal with it.

You cannot stop this. Neither can it. It was warned about by many people for a long time.

Because you cannot stop it, what you can do is to prepare.

This is the summertime for the sodomites- grasshoppers -of the time. They will do what they want to do. Warn and try to assist those as you can, but not at your expense, job, or freedom.

Rather, put yourself to work and strive hard in the summer heat. It is going to hurt and will be very difficult, but it must be done.

Fall and winter will naturally come just as the seasons turn throughout the year.

When they come, then you put the plow to rest, shut up the animals, close the windows, lock the door, and sit down for the inevitable. Then you can relax, pray, and be ready.

The sodomites on the other hand will most likely have refused to prepare, and they will suffer miserably. One cannot spend one’s life in a hatred of God and not just merely committing, but actually defining oneself by sins that “cry out to Heaven” for vengeance and not expect something to happen.

They will likely fall by their own actions.

Take note of this story, and of the news.

Christians, you are not liked. This is not your time, but the time for your enemies. God is granting it to them, likely as a means of hopeful repentance for them. However, it is unlikely that most will repent.

Stop fighting the culture war. It is over.

Stop trying to reason with the unreasonable. The time is past for that.

Stop wasting time trying to reap fruit from that which refuses to give. As St. John the Baptist said, “the axw lays at the root of the tree.”

Rather, this is YOUR time. Your time to work, to study, to learn, to improve, to pray, to love, to help, and to do what will not be able to be done in a future time.

You have a choice. You can waste your time doing things that will lead to nothing, or you can take what time is left and invest it wisely, and get a return out of it before it is no longer possible to do so.

Choose wisely.


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